#chap35 #chroniclesoflife #Sagas_by_Irvika #sweetlovestory

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Parmar house was also overflowing with guests on Sunday. They had a lavish lunch and sat chatting around for long. Shruti had been gazing at her hands. The mehendi colour had come out beautifully and her cousins teased her that it showed how much jiju loved her. Around 3.30 p.m., the make up artist came with her assistants, and amidst loads of gossip and laughter, they were finally ready to leave the house at 5.30 p.m.

To be continued….

Shruti had carefully wrapped the surprise in a polythene bag and kept in her handbag. She didn’t know when will she be able to give him, but she determined to find a way out. She had been sending messages to Atharva since afternoon, as talking in between so many relatives was impossible. She was waiting with bated breath to meet him after so many days. She felt the pangs of anxiety that every newly engaged bride must have felt. She was impatient yet hesitant for the evening to begin.

It was almost around 6 p.m. when the Verma family reached Atithi Banquets. Right near the main entrance, there was a soft board where it was mentioned in bold gold letters….

Welcome to the Engagement Ceremony of



Shruti didn’t have words to describe the emotions she was going through at that moment. She hurried in with her mom, dad, Nainaa, Abhinav and Rohan in one lift, followed by her cousins and other relatives, as the Shah family had already come. They went in the elevator which opened on the 1st floor. The entrance was beautifully decorated with exotic flowers in different hues of pink and white. As soon as the Vermas stepped in the main entrance, they were cordially greeted by Mr and Mrs Shah. In a minute, Preksha, Shankar and Minish also came to greet them.

Once the preliminaries were done, Preksha took Nainaa and Shruti in the room marked for the bride. They entered and were asked to be seated for a while. Preksha complimented Shruti saying that she looked absolutely stunning on that day. Shruti gave her a nervous smile and asked about Atharva’s whereabouts. Preksha replied, “both of you are supposed to wait in your respective rooms till your entry is announced. As such, the photographer also wanted to click solo and couple pics as later you will be busy with the ceremonies.” Shruti nodded and meekly replied, “Okay… will wait over here with Nainaa.” Preksha left after a few minutes as she needed to check on Isha.

  Shruti took her mobile from the handbag and smiled to see a message, “Welcome Jaanu.” Shruti felt those goosebumps again… this was the first time he had used an endearment. Over the call, he did call her Shru a couple of times, but then she was used to being called by that nickname since she was a toddler. She couldn’t hide her smile and the love she felt for the person who had texted her, shone in her eyes. She messaged back, “Can’t wait to see you.” He replied, “you bet… I am equally impatient… wait.. kuch setting karta hu.”

Shruti sheepishly grinned, when Nainaa teased, “Chill Shru.. he is not going to run away anywhere. Thodi der shaanti rakh.” The sisters were catching up with general talks, when there was a knock at the door. Nainaa got up to open the door when Shruti looked up… there he was… resplendent in the sherwani. Shruti found him to be much more handsome than she remembered. Atharva looked dapper in the off white and gold sherwani. She was glad that he had clean shaven, just as she liked, although he preferred a light stubble, and looked dashing with his gelled hair.  His musk fragrance was creating ripples in Shruti’s head. She couldn’t take her eyes off him... this possessed man had become her heartthrob, driving her insane with all possible absurd thoughts. She realised they weren’t alone and lowered her eyes.

Atharva stole glances at her, his nerves going into frenzy. Even though he had seen her in the outfit before, today her looks knocked him out. She looked majestic in her blush pink attire, that had intricate floral embroidery all over it. The exquisite jadau jewellery complimented the attire very well. Her make up was deliberately kept subtle and hair were adorned with delicate pink flowers, so as to not overpower her natural charisma and grace, which was unmistakable. The smile that she gave him and her misty eyes made him insane.

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