#chap41 #chroniclesoflife #Sagas_by_Irvika #sweetlovestory

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She couldn’t contain herself once the movie was over. While on the way to the restaurant, she blurted, “Atharva… you are always more than eager to… “ She fumbled. He queried, “Eager to?” She couldn’t speak up and shook her head. He again insisted after which she said,

To be continued….

“Well.. at home you keep hunting for a chance to come close to me. Then how come you didn’t do so when we were in the theatre?” He gave her a lopsided grin and smirked, “Ohho… so someone was missing my touch.” She hit him on his arm, and defended herself, “That is not what I meant… I am just intrigued.” He said soberly, “See… to tell you the truth. I don’t like to display my feelings  in public. I don’t feel comfortable having an audience for something that I consider private.” He shrugged and looked at her to see her reaction. Shruti commented, “You are a complex personality Atharva. I think I will take a long time to understand you completely.” He smiled agreeing, “Yes… I guess so.”

They had a good time, enjoying a leisurely meal and were  back by 10. On the way back, he held her hand and said sombrely, "Don't know when will we meet up next. " She felt his anguish and tightened her grip. “You can come for a day whenever you are free… please try.” He nodded albeit a little unconvincingly. He knew that once the second lot arrived, he wouldn’t have the chance to spare even a minute. He brushed his thoughts aside, taking it one day at a time.

Shruti had to leave for Nashik in the morning, and both were trying to put on a brave face. She had a wry grin thinking about the previous night… when she had come in the kitchen late at night for a glass of water, she was caught unawares when two arms snaked around her. She had almost shrieked when Atharva put a hand on her mouth. He had chuckled wryly and had stolen a quick kiss.

She disentangled herself from his embrace and exclaimed, “Freak! Are you nuts? You scared the hell out of me!” He teased her, “Darpok!” She shrugged, “Kuchh bhi… anyone would have reacted in that way. By the way, how did you know I was here?” He reasoned, “Well… if you have forgotten, we have adjoining rooms. I wasn’t asleep and heard the door open, so came to see.” She indicated at the clock. “It’s almost 2 a.m. Atharva Shah seems to be losing too much sleep of late, huh?” He made a face, “Hmm..”

She was about to leave when she derided him , “Cant visualise a crying Atharva.” He couldn’t understand for a second… then realised she was referring to the incident his father had so blatantly mentioned. He quickly caught a squealing Shruti and warned her in a mock tone, “You will have to pay for this.” And they interlocked in a passionate kiss, oblivious to the world around. After a while,they parted ways before things went out of control and kissed each other good night.

Shruti snapped out of her day dreaming when Atharva urged her to hurry up lest she would miss the train. It was after another battle of words between the two when Atharva had to give in to her insistence of traveling by the train, instead of car. On the way, Shruti’s face lit up and said excitedly, “Atharva! Can you pllleaasee join us for a family get together in Lonavala?” He questioned, “Ye plan kab banaa?” She looked at him unable to believe and said, “Arey! How can you forget? I remember telling you that our entire extended family meets up by hook or by crook, once a year. It is super fun.” He didn’t know what to say and answered, “I’ll try Jaanu… can’t promise anything.”

She was disheartened, but didn’t push the matter as she knew he was helpless about it. They reached the station and by this time, she was used to his endless list of instructions and before he could begin, she rattled away the list herself, much to his amusement. “Any other instruction apart from this?” He shook his head and said, “Take care.” She felt like clinging to him, but knew he wouldn’t approve of it in such a place, so simply said, “Bye” in a wobbly voice. He himself felt very low but tried to be strong, for both of them.

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