#chap50 #chroniclesoflife #Sagas_by_Irvika #sweetlovestory

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Shruti was excited to meet Atharva after so long. Post Diwali, they had been so busy that it had been impossible to spare even a day. Atharva had been equally impatient to meet her. It was like an oasis in the desert for him, away from all the worries, finding solace in her company. She had worked herself in a frenzy so as to be able to give the final touches to her trousseau. Gosh! She couldn’t believe it! It was already December end…

They had shared their dreams over the calls that continued well into the night. Atharva though had been taken aback initially at her capacity to talk non stop, was more used to it now. In fact, he used to look forward to it, as it would divert his mind from his work pressure. At last, it was Shruti who finally came down as she had to get done with the trial of her wedding attires.

The longing to be together had taken over all their senses, the messages and calls not satiating their need to be with each other. The minute they were together, they just looked into the other’s eyes that spoke volumes, without uttering a single word. And for the first time, Atharva let down his guard in public.. well almost, by holding her hand tight and conveying his feelings fo her in his own way. Shruti was more than glad that they had been able to put away the little disruption that had come out of nowhere. She shrugged, chiding herself for steering her thoughts in that direction again. No two people are same, in fact, Shruti and Atharva had completely opposite dispositions. But then, that was one of the reasons they had complimented each other so well.

To be continued….

While they were on their way towards the car, she received a call on her mobile. She looked at Atharva and said, “It’s Minishbhai.” She greeted him with a “Hello.”
The excitement in the voice at the other end was evident when the reply came, “Hello bhabhi? Have you reached Mumbai? Have to tell you about something important.”
She looked at Atharva for any clues but he was blank. She queried, “Oh? And what is so important? I am curious!”
Minish had a smile on his face when he said, “Need to show you something bhabhi. Will tell you then.”
Shruti looked at Atharva with mischief in her eyes. He raised his eyebrows to inquire what was it but she simply shrugged and answered, “Err.. I am more than intrigued Minishbhai. See you soon.”
They disconnected and Shruti somehow had a gut feeling as to what was so ‘important’, whereas Atharva had no inkling. She gave him a ‘I-told-you-so’ look and he chuckled, “You are hell bent on proving yourself!”

Shruti was brooding about it and was in her own thoughts. Little did she realise that they had reached Intercontinental at Marine Drive. She forgot about everything as they spent the evening in the most beautiful way. Atharva had proven his point about his perception of Valentine’s Day and Shruti was in no condition to argue about it, especially after their intimacy in the car.

Her cheeks turned beet root red as Atharva touched his shoulder and winced, deliberately exaggerating, “Aahhh! That was quite something Shru…”
She obviously fumbled, “Don’t be mean, okay? I didn’t do it deliberately. You should have stayed in your limits you know.”
Atharva bit his lip, goading her, “Achha? Kya kiya maine?”
She blurted, “You shouldn’t have touched me THERE.”
He smirked, knowing very well she would never be able to say the word and provoked further, “Where did I touch? Can you please help me recollect? Coz all I can remember is a wild tigress pouncing on me with her sharp claws.”
She glared at him, “Atharva, you better…” Before she could complete her sentence, his mobile beeped. The screen flashed MINISH CALLING.

Atharva picked up the call and was talking, while Shruti remembered about the conversation she had in the evening. On the other hand, Atharva ended the call saying, “Ya Minish, we shall be there in 20 mins.”

Shruti was back to her inquisitive self and said with a lot of exuberance, “Atharva… kitne ki bet lagi? It’s about a gal… am telling you, I could judge from his gestures. But you have always turned a blind eye.”
He said cheekily, “Okay, let’s see. If you win, you get a kiss, and if I win, I get a long, passionate one.”
She banged her head saying, “God! This guy can’t think anything except THAT.”
He gave a deep chuckle, “Believe me, I am very virtuous. Nowadays, couples go way beyond.”
She grimaced, “Don’t bluff. And anyways, I don’t want to talk about it. You will see soon, I had been right all along.”

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