#chap6 #chroniclesoflife #Sagas_by_Irvika #sweetlovestory

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He opened the door. Shruti was walking in a daze; she was still in a trance. Just outside the room, Atharva gestured towards….

To be continued…

Atharva gestured towards the small room; it was a temple. There were quite a few shivlings of varying sizes and a lot of other idols. She could see several diyas also on one side. It was definitely a sight to behold, a very pious aura could be felt over there. There was even a beautifully carved bell hanging from the ceiling above to complete the picture of a very spiritual place for offering prayers. It was clear that the Shahs were quite a devout family.

Shruti was quite moved by the gesture that he had invited her in the temple. She went in, folded her hands, closed her eyes and prayed with all sincerity, ‘God! Please don't shatter my hopes. I know its too early but I hope I deserve this man and everything works out for the best. Please bestow your blessings on both our families.’

Atharva with all earnestness wished to seek the consent for their relationship to go ahead and get the approval from the Almighty himself. It was like a seal from his end, a statement that he had taken his decision. The message came across clearly to Shruti as well, coz if he wouldn’t have been interested, then he would have most definitely not asked her to offer prayer in his home's temple.

Atharva looked at her for a fraction of a second, closed his eyes and prayed wholeheartedly. “Please God! Let there be no hindrances. Now that I have really started liking her, please help us to become one.”

Both stole a glance at each other, trying to gauge the other’s feelings, what was going in the mind and heart. Both were anxious, nervous, impatient yet excited to know what the future holds for them. Shruti took one last glance at the serene place and came out.

She felt lost, when Atharva guided her the way. She saw that Minish was again holding Isha in his arms, standing at the kitchen window. Atharva noticed her looking at Isha and somehow guessed her eagerness to hold the baby, so asked her to come along.

That was the first time she actually talked to Minish and was quite in awe of the similarity between these 2 brothers... almost the same height and identical looks with jet black curly hair, just that Minish was taller and had a broader body frame. Otherwise, it was quite mind boggling for a stranger like Shruti.

He was a very sweet guy and tried to make her feel comfortable. He tried to make Isha communicate. Shruti did peekaboo with her Dupatta and saw that the dimpled baby giggled. She was happy to do so for a couple of minutes when she noticed her parents coming out from another room.

She looked at them and could see the hope in their eyes; that silent communication between a child with her parents. Mrs Jyoti understood Shruti’s inner turmoil, the way her eyes had turned dreamy and soft, and knew then and there, without having to ask her, that she had liked Atharva.

Mrs Jyoti looked at him, who greeted her very politely. Shruti’s face radiated happiness just looking at the two conversing, desperately wanting to know her mom’s opinion about the one she had already, unknowingly given her heart to. She was the kinds who doesn’t fake, and Shruti was very receptive to her mood and was keenly looking at her and Atharva alternately.

Her father, uncle, aunty and brother were also standing nearby and conversing with Mr and Mrs Shah. She heard Dilipji mention that they had recently purchased the fourth flat on the floor, combined it to the existing house and made it into a full floor apartment. She then understood the reason for the room looking so unused and newly renovated. Mr Shah had been showing them the house apparently when they both had been busy chatting. It was a lavish 5 bedroom flat, since it was a big family.

Preksha came in the kitchen to prepare a moong chilla for Isha. She casually conversed with Shruti saying, “Isha’s meal time is overdue and if she gets cranky it would be difficult.”
Shruti nodded, “Yes of course.”

Then Preksha queried, a typical question every girl needs to answer, no matter what. “Do u know how to cook?”
Shruti replied hesitatingly, “Not really… I mean… I do help mumma in the kitchen but am not into full fledged cooking. Have always been busy with studies, so never really got time.” She tried to justify her lack of cooking prowess. Preksha clarified, though politely, “We don’t have a cook, though a helper does the chopping of vegetables and all, so that is not a problem.” Shruti nodded sheepishly, and genuinely realised for the first time that she should have taken more interest, as her mom always used to point out. ‘Time to grow up Shruti,’ she reprimanded herself.

Finally, it was time to go. Both the families greeted goodbyes to each other. Shruti bid bye to Preksha who reciprocated with a smile and a nod. She looked at Atharva and bid a silent goodbye. He had been astutely observing her all the while, and when she looked at him, their eyes met, communicating in a way where no words were required, in a language of its own.

Mr Verma and Mr Shah generally mentioned that we shall keep in touch hoping that the matter proceeds further favourably. Shruti felt shy listening but occupied herself in wearing her sandals, such that no one would see her blushing.
They all went towards the main door, bid adieu once more and then left.

The scenario in both the families was slightly different. The Vermas were all quite happy and satisfied with the family and especially Atharva. Mr Verma had anyways been thorough with the family background check and had received raving reviews. From their end, it was definitely a go ahead as Shruti had also liked him.

Whereas, in the Shah family, though most of the members liked Shruti and her family, they were yet to come to a decision. Mr Shah asked Shankar to frankly ask Atharva about his opinion and preference, feeling he would be more comfortable to discuss with his brother. Mrs Shah was still having a mindset, that Atharva can wait and meet up with a few more girls; doesn’t have to go ahead necessarily with Shruti.

They were still discussing about it when Atharva came out in the living room. He overheard his mom and immediately interrupted….

To be continued....

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