#chap29 #chroniclesoflife #Sagas_by_Irvika #sweetlovestory

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Shruti snapped, “You don’t leave a chance, do you?”
He shrugged and said bluntly, “Of course not… it’s been a month already and we are still doing formalities. You know? Shankar was married in 2 months time.”
She queried, “Ya toh?”
He grinned, “So... I thought we can move a step ahead at least.”
She meekly murmured, “Hmmm…” tried to change the topic and pleaded, “Please sit for 5 minutes more… then we'll go.”
He  spoke, his voice full of  passion, “Shruti.. don’t hold me responsible for what happens next if we sit any more.”

She had goosebumps again and….

To be continued….

She had goosebumps and got up in a hurry to go, not trusting him for a minute. He was about to stop her when his cousin came out. “Bhaiya… can I get a pillow?”
Shruti answered, “Come Mansi… there are a couple of extra pillows in the room where I am sleeping.”
They were going in, when Shruti turned around and gave him a victorious smile. He knew she had outdone him, but vowed to himself that next time she won’t get away so easily.

As soon as she reached the room, she heard a beep sound. She was surprised as to who must have sent a message at this hour; it was her one and only admirer. She was intrigued and checked.
It read, ‘For how long will you run away from me? Next time, I won’t give you a chance to flee.’
She smuggly replied, ‘Is that so? I better remind you that there is an entire battalion over here… koi na koi toh aa hi jayega.. you won’t get an opportunity.'
He chuckled at her reply and typed, ‘Is that a challenge madam? If so, I accept.’
She gulped a lump in her throat, not knowing how to respond. There was another message, ‘Good night… dream of me.. and yes, it’s a promise…. I shall find a way and MAKE IT HAPPEN.’

She simply replied, ‘sweet dreams.’ He was trying to visualise her right now, and felt adrenaline rush through his body. He texted, ‘I Love You,’ expecting a reply. But again, she messaged, ‘Same to you.’

He shook his head and texted, ‘You are unable to reciprocate even through message… how will you face it when I kiss you?’
She felt tiny tremors run through her body, and thought what if he finds me naïve and unsophisticated? He didn’t tease her further and both slept, dreaming of what lay ahead for them.

Since it was a Sunday, the Shahs had decided to take advantage and start early. They had planned to go to Irla, in Vile Parle suburb of Mumbai, to check out for the engagement outfit. There are quite a few elite showrooms in that vicinity. Atharva’s masi and her kids were also joining them for the shopping spree. Preksha packed some eatables for Isha, as they would be out for a long time. Mrs Shah instructed both Minish and Shankar regarding a couple of things as she was not used to leaving her husband too often and going anywhere. They had a heavy brunch and left.

They had to cram in a bit in the car coz there were so many people, such that Atharva and Shruti were sitting adjacent to each other. He couldn’t be happier and she didn’t know where to look. It was going to take almost an hour to reach and Atharva was pleased about it. Shruti’s dupatta had conveniently landed up such that it was easy for him to just glide his fingers into her palm. They held their hands together throughout the way. He kept brushing his fingers over her palm, that was causing sensations unknown to her. She had read somewhere recently and it aptly suited her… ‘Dear tummy, sorry for all the butterflies lately. I swear it’s not my fault… it’s HIS.’

Shruti tried to mask her feelings by talking to others, trying to be as nonchalant as possible. Much to Atharva’s dismay, they reached sooner than he would have wished, but since it was Sunday afternoon, there wasn’t much traffic.

As it was the month of May, they had to bear the scorching sun, and were glad to go inside the air conditioned showroom, although it barely took them a few minutes to walk from the parking lot. There wasn’t anything that caught their fancy in the first showroom.

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