#ch68 #Chroniclesoflife #Sagas_by_Irvika #sweetlovestory

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This post is dedicated to my lovely friend Sneha Satyam Lamba... Loads of wishes on you birthday! 
Bonus na sahi...  Early post😜

It was extremely late by the time they returned and Shruti was dead tired. Days of running around had taken its toll. It took her a while to remove her make up and change her outfit and join Atharva. She looked at him and was saddened to see that he had already dozed off coz she had been expecting at least some moments of togetherness. She switched off the lights, lay disheartened and was trying to overcome the sudden feeling of discontentment that she felt. Her eyes were about to express her grief, as the tears began to sting. At that very moment....

To be continued.....

At that very moment, she could feel his hand on hers. She was taken aback as she had assumed him to be asleep.

He could gauge from her reaction and voiced, “I was waiting for you. I am not as bad as you feel I am. I know its our anniversary and even I have been looking forward to it.”
She started saying something, when he interrupted by putting his finger on her lips and shushed her in the most effective way. He said huskily, “Let me continue with the kiss we shared in the hotel. Udhar audience tha, warna I swear I would have taken you right then.”
She felt goosebumps hearing his words. After that, he didn’t give her a chance to utter a word and indulged her, making her feel treasured. Her senses oscillated from expectant to high and then back again, as he teased her. Shruti couldn’t tolerate the torment and squirmed under him. The wriggling heightened his passion and they delved in for the ultimate.

The next day, by the time it was evening, Shruti was in a very vulnerable state. They had been busy through the day, attending the guests who were yet to depart. It had been a while since she had been to Nashik and having met her family during the functions, had made her yearn to go to her place. In the evening, the Doshis had invited the family for the pag phera rasam.

Minish and Rhea had returned by afternoon and Rhea had gone to her place for the ceremony. The entire Doshi clan had gathered as all lived in the same vicinity. While having their meal, one of the aunts commented, “Shruti’s turn this year to give us good news to be followed by Rhea next year.”
Shruti smiled feebly as she had unknowingly touched a raw nerve. All their attempts had been futile and Shruti had started feeling that she might have to go for some treatment after all. 

The meal was a lavish affair and lasted for quite some time. Rhea had dressed up elegantly in a green bandhej sari and was not looking well. Her mom, Mrs. Doshi informed, “Rhea has been having fever since morning.”
The first thought that came up in Shruti’s mind was, ‘Matlab hua ke nahi hua??’ and had to stop her thoughts from wandering further. But she couldn’t help grinning at the way she was thinking. Poor Minish must have desperately waited and Rhea fell ill. She smirked as another thought popped up, ‘Rhea ko for sure anticipation me hi fever aaya hoga. She had looked like a scared rabbit. Bechaare Minishbhai.’

Shruti tried to be discreet but she was still to learn the art. Little did she know that Atharva had been looking at her and could very well judge what had been going on in that naughty little brain of hers. She turned her gaze, trying to avoid laughing when she saw him stare at her. He too was grinning inwardly but communicated with his gestures to control herself. She diverted her mind by attending Isha who had been insisting to take her ‘new chachi’ home.

Soon, it was time to leave and the scene changed from merriment to melancholy. Rhea, who had already been feeling low, burst out crying profusely. Heenaji and Atulji, her parents broke down as well. Ravina couldn’t stop the deluge of tears that flooded from her eyes as Rhea had always been a second mother to her. They hugged and cried, making everyone emotional.

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