#chap30 #chroniclesoflife #Sagas_by_Irvika #sweetlovestory

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He touched his forehead to hers, looked into her eyes and asked lovingly, “Who broke the promise first? The moment you kissed me, I lost my mind. And I am glad that it was you who broke, so now I don’t need to feel guilty for tasting the sweetest nectar there ever was.” Before she could respond, he captured her lips again.

She was still adjusting to her feelings due to his touch, when he paused and said huskily….

To be continued….

“Shruti… you need to kiss me back.” He cupped her face and urged her to express herself. She felt inadequate and incapable to do justice  to the sheer magic he had created simply by a tender kiss.

She had no clue what else to do beyond kissing him back softly. He tried to probe into her mouth with his tongue but she didn’t get the cue… so he gently touched her lips with his fingers. As soon as she parted them, he took her lower lip and softly nibbled at it while she gasped at the jolts of current that ran through her body. He was still cupping her face with his hands when he insisted, “Shruti… let go of your inhibitions… it’s okay… you don’t have to hold back or feel guilty.”

Shruti relaxed a bit, and went with the flow of her emotions. She kissed him back, tenderly at first, and then imitated his action, nibbling at his upper lip. It was as if a trigger had been released; Atharva needed to feel her desperately and slowly caressed her back, moving his hands down coming towards her waist and squeezed it.

Shruti just couldn’t bear it and broke away from him, both gasping for their breath. Her emotions were swinging between feeling guilty and elated. She slumped on the bed, her legs giving away to the upheaval that she had gone through.

Atharva took some while to cool down himself. There was a fire deep down in his core which refused to be doused. Shruti didn’t dare to look up at him, unable to meet his gaze. She knew they had crossed a pedestal in their relationship. She was feeling uncertain again, sure that he must have gauged how inexperienced she is. Goodness! He actually guided her how to kiss him back.

Atharva, on the other hand, couldn’t overcome his desire for her which had grown by leaps and bounds. He looked at her and observed that she was having a difficult time coming to terms with the situation. He got up and sat beside her… it took all her will power to stop herself from shifting a bit to create distance.
He took both her hands in his and said in the most loving tone, “Shruti… we adore each other. I can see the reflection of the endless love and affection that I have for you in your eyes. I agree that this was uncalled for, although God knows how I have held back for so long. You make me go crazy girl. Please don’t feel guilty about what transpired between us right now… it was ethereal and just a physical display of the love that we feel for each other. I somehow just lost control on myself the moment you kissed me. It was the most exhilarating feeling there can ever be.”

She listened to him dumbstruck, but couldn’t look at him, when he said, “Hope you are not regretting it.”
She answered in a meek voice, “No… it’s just that I don’t know how to respond and thought you will consider me immature and ignorant.”

He was startled to hear her say that and blurted, “Paagal hai kya tu? I am having a hard time bringing myself back to normal… and you are thinking about all this.”
He continued, “Please go to your room and sleep before I get tempted to dissuade you of your stupid notions.”

Shruti got up to go to her room, but as soon as she stepped out, she hesitated as all the lights had been switched off and the room was at the other corner of the house. He came to check on her and saw that she had stopped in her tracks. He held her hand, and walked towards the room. He switched on the light and air conditioner and asked her, “Do you need anything?” She simply shook her head and stood looking at him.

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