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A centurion-free Institute was almost a dream come true.
It could have been heavenly.
But that's not how life is, is it?

What should've been a period of time where all the Los Angeles Institute's inhabitants could relax had become a time for mourning.
One of their own, Livia Blackthorn, had been murdered senselessly by a resurrected Shadowhunter two weeks previous. Annabelle Blackthorn. A relative of their family. A fifteen year old girl, surely one of the brightest and best fighters of their generation- a girl with the potential to change their world for the better, dead. Gone. Her ashes mixed with those of her ancestors in the City of Bones.

Everyone was taking it differently, finding their own methods to deal with their grief.
Kit, Emma and Cristina were all heartbroken. But the three of them chose to mourn in a different way- throwing themselves into training. Working their anger and upset out by practicing for avenging Livvy's death. Kit was almost starting to be thankful for Emma's brutal training methods. They comforted everyone, publicly, apart from when it came to Kit helping Ty. No one but them knew what was going on there.
Dru didn't really sleep. Or eat. She tended to stick to her room, crying for hours on end. Emma usually came to her aid, leaving the room after several hours with her own eyes rimmed with red and her cheeks blotchy and tear stained.
Tavvy was too young to truly understand death, even though he had experienced so much of it. He understood enough to know that Livvy wasn't coming back. Compared to everyone else, he seemed to be handling it well, but Kit had overheard Julian telling Helen and Mark that Tavvy had been having nightmares about the scene in the Council Hall- waking up calling for Livvy to come back.

Helen was devastated. She hadn't seen her beloved younger sister in years, and had missed so much of her life. After five long years, she was reunited with her family. But they would never truly be whole, a crucial piece of the Blackthorn family ripped away too soon. Her saving grace was her wife, Aline, who helped her take over the duties of the family and Institute and comforted her when it all got too much.
Mark was crushed. Completely, absolutely distraught. Kieran and Cristina were trying their best to help him, but they knew their efforts would be futile for a while at least. Mark was broken, his heart smashed into smithereens, worse than he was in the Hunt. He had gained back the family he loved so much, the family that kept him sane for so many years, only to have it violently ripped away from him almost as soon as he had gotten it back.
Julian was a shell of who he was. He didn't show emotion anymore, not even to Emma (who had broke down crying to Kit about it, who held her and rubbed her back, until her sobs stopped and she apologised. Kit told her it was okay, everything would be okay with time. Neither of them were quite sure they really believed it). It was as if he'd flicked a switch and shut down all of his emotions until further notice.

Ty was definitely the worst of all, as was expected. He wasn't eating. Or sleeping. Or drinking. Or anything. His pillows and bedsheets were covered in blood from him constantly picking and scratching his skin. In the past week, it had gotten worse. Kit had to smash Ty's phone to pieces because he somehow acquired a photographic copy of the Black Volume of the Dead and had suggested to Kit performing a necromantic ritual to bring back Livvy. Kit had fucking cried as he held Ty, with the Blackthorn boy hitting his chest and sobbing until his punches became weak and he gave up- grabbing Kit for dear life. The night after that, Kit followed Ty up to the roof where he ended up breaking Ty's wrist trying to stop him from jumping off the roof. Kit stayed outside Ty's room at night after that, too afraid of losing the person he cared so much about.


Kit looked at his phone. It was 3:15am. He'd managed to make the floor of the hallway as comfortable as possible- with a blanket and two pillows. Thankfully, no one had asked him why he was sleeping outside Ty's door- all too caught up in their own grief to really notice. Kit didn't know what he'd say if someone asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2019 ⏰

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