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"wait - did you say chocolate ? ! "
played by
- - " I hope me falling over is still funny when you're in h e l l "
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" WHO THE FUDGE TOOK MY — oh wait , here it is"
NAME megara wren adrias
PRONUNCIATION meh-gah-rah ay-dr-ee-ss
MEANING great // pearl // grudge
NICKNAMES meg ,, sunshine ,, kitten ,, princess ,, lil bird
AGE sixteen
PRONOUNS she // her
GENDER female
"I missed you two way too much, I love you guys"
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" well, well, well. If it isn't the consequences of my own actions "
SEXUALITY heterosexual
HEIGHT 5 " 7
DISTINCTIVE FEATURES a scar trailing along her lower stomach from a scuba diving incident when we was young a small scar on her neck from being stabbed by some crazy kid in preschool
HABITS x nail biting x biting / chewing on her lip x playing with her hair x fiddling , especially when she is nervous x taking cat naps
LOVE INTEREST noah flynn
" I seriously wouldn't mind if you grabbed my face and kissed it"
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" He smiled and all I could think was , ' oh crap ' "
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