Chapter 7 Wedding Rehearsal

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After the dinner with my parents everything went back to normal. As the weeks go by Jaehyun and I get closer, when this all blows over we'll still be close friends which isn't that bad. Two weeks later it's now time for the wedding rehearsal, I somehow managed to become a bridesmaid. I guess I made a good first impression if she wants me to be a bridesmaid.

When we get to the venue we're immediately split into two groups, girls and guys. Stacy is in charge of the brides section, she's going over where people are going to stand and which order they're going to walk in. It's all a bit much but I had a feeling that Stacy would be a perfectionist.

She has a total of six bridesmaids including me, the maid of honour is her childhood best friend. Everyone else has been her friend since high school and college, I seem to be the only person who hasn't known her for a long time. The fact makes me feel a bit out of place, when she calls a break I go up to her to get some answers.

"Hey Stacy, can I talk to you alone for a second?"

"Sure y/n, what's up?"

We walk out into the hall away from everyone else.

"What did you want to talk to me about?"

"I actually wanted to ask you something."

"What is it?"

"Why did you make me a bridesmaid? Not to be rude but we only just met a few weeks ago, I don't think I've done anything to deserve this title."

"Well there's a reason I chose you, I recently lost a close friend. Turns out she wasn't really my friend, so I uninvited her to the wedding. I had an opening and the first person I thought of was you. You were so kind and helpful when my mom was sick. You deserve this title, Plus I'll get to know you better through this."

"Oh that's kind of you, I look forward to getting to know you better as well."

"Great, now let's go back inside the break is almost over."

We go back and I see some of the other bridesmaids looking at us weird. I lower my head and go to the corner where Jaehyun is hiding out. As I walk past the girls I can hear them whispering about me, they think I don't belong here just as much as I do. When I get to our little safe haven I slump down with a sign.

"Long day?"


"Girls giving you a hard time?"

"Yep.They know I don't belong here."

"Hey, if Stacy says you belong here then you belong here. It's her wedding. She's the one who says who should be here."

"Tell them that."

I point behind me to the girls who are still looking at me and whispering.

"Forget them, we're doing this for my sister, don't let them distract you."

"Break is over guys get back into your places!"

With that I leave Jaehyun and go back to practice. We get put into a line and to my surprise I get put right beside the maid of honour. The decision left everyone in shock, I was going to question her decision but she shot us a look. Reluctantly I take my place next to the maid of honour, I can feel the others staring daggers into my side. I look across the room and make eye contact with Jaehyun, he's beside the best man and they seem to be getting along. We make eye contact, I mouth the word 'help'. He smiles and replies with 'it's okay'.

The rest of the practice is awkward, I barely say anything the rest of the night. Once it's over I hug Stacy and grab Jaehyun's arm dragging him out of the venue. Once outside I take a big breath of fresh air. The tension between me and the other bridesmaids was suffocating, it feels good to be away from them, I'm glad I have two weeks before I'm forced to interact with them again.

Jaehyun brings the car around and we drive home. The car ride is silent , I spend most of it looking out the window thinking. Our lie has come a long way, we have everyone fooled. We've spent so much time making it realistic that we haven't thought about how it will end. It hasn't come up in conversation at all and the end of the deal is coming up fast, I guess we were too busy enjoying our fake relationship together.

I wonder what would happen if we didn't end it, what if we made it real. It wouldn't be that bad Jae's starting to grow on me. I haven't fallen for him but I don't dislike him as much as I did before, I don't really know how I feel about him.

With my head in the clouds I didn't notice that the car had stopped. Jaehyun's face suddenly appearing in front of my window brings me out of my daydream. He scared the shit out of me, my heart is racing a mile a minute. I can't tell if it's the fact that he scared me or the fact that I'm starting to develop feelings for him. I give myself a mental pep talk while I get out of the car.

Don't worry your demi sexual you'll know when you've fallen for him when you start to think he's hot. That hasn't happened yet so we have nothing to worry about.

"Hello earth to y/n."

Jaehyun yet again scares me back to reality.

"Can you stop doing that? I'm thinking."

"Thinking about what?"

"How we're going to end this fake relationship."

Jaehyun suddenly stops walking, I turn around to face him with a confused look on my face.

"You ok Jae?"

"Yea I just didn't realise that it was almost over. Time flies when you're having fun I guess."

"Sounds like you're enjoying having me as your girlfriend."

"Yea I actually am, what can I say you're a catch. Whoever you end up with is lucky."

"Thanks, I mean I never thought you'd think of me like that."

"Why wouldn't I? You're beautiful, smart, sarcastic and an overall good person."

"If you think that way about me why don't you just ask me out for real?"

Once I realised that I said my thoughts out loud I slapped my hand to my mouth. I looked at Jaehyun to see that he was just as shocked as I was.

"I wasn't supposed to say that out loud, just ignore what just happened. I didn't mean i-"

Before I could finish explaining myself his lips were on mine. I melted from their softness, something inside me stirred. When he finally pulled away I was panting, I have now officially fallen for him and he knew it.

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