Chapter 11 Mother in law

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Jaehyun's mother looks young for her age. Jaehyun would say it's from all the liposuction she gets done, but it just looks like she has a good lifestyle. Being rich means you live longer right?

I snapped out of my thoughts when Mrs.Kim turned their conversation towards me. She was complimenting my dress, we went for a classy glamorous look that didn't stand out too much. I wanted to look good without standing out too much among the crowd.

"Thank you Mrs.Kim, you look exquisite as well. I'm sorry we didn't meet earlier, you can blame Jaehyun for that."

"That son of mine has always been good at hiding stuff from me. Especially lovers. He never lets me meet them unless the relationship is serious. Which saves me a lot of effort, I don't need to waste my time getting to know someone not worth my son's time. though since he's chosen to marry you I guess you're now worth both of our time, not that I could say this if the circumstances were different."

Did she literally just tell me that she wouldn't deal with me if I wasn't in a relationship with her son? I thought she was being way too nice for the devil herself. Now it's clear that she's being passive aggressive.

"Well I hope to convince you that I'm well worth your time. I'm serious about your son and my family knows I am. They love him, if we weren't dating I swear they would have tried to adopt him."

"Well isn't that lovely, but I'm afraid my son won't be for sale for a while. He still needs to take over the family business."

"And I'll support him through all of the trials he'll have to face during that time and after. That's what you do for the one you love."

Jaehyun and I share a loving glance before his mother breaks the tension.

"Well it's been nice seeing you sweetie, I shall see you at the wedding. You still have a few weeks before you're no longer a single man."

With that she leaves, we watch as she walks up to a man in an all black suit. She whispers something to him and they look in our direction. She smiles and gives us a little wave before going back to her conversation. It seems she might not like me as much as she let on.

"She's plotting something isn't she?"

"Most likely, don't leave my side tonight... I have a feeling she's going to test our relationship in more ways than one."

The rest of the night was pretty calm, well that was until a bunch of unexpected guests walked through the door. They looked like they came from the nearest strip club, as they entered they locked their sites on the nearest wealthy person they could get their hands on. In no time me and Jaehyun are separated by a flock of girls.

"Well played Mrs.Kim well played."

Before I can curse her out more I'm whisked away to the back by a handsome stranger. The man looks like a model and a voice as smooth as butter. If I wasn't demi sexual I would totally swoon. He tries to get me to sneak out with him to have some fun but I decline. This is what Mrs.Kim wants, she wants me to be unloyal so that she can convince Jaehyun to marry someone else.

After a few more attempts he gives up and offers me cash to sleep with him. It's obvious he's desperate to get whatever amount of money Mrs.Kim has offered him. Done with whatever this is, I leave and walk towards Jaehyun. I push the girls out of the way and drag him towards his mother.

She turns towards us with a smile, as if she was glad to see us again.

"Ok I've had it with you. Why are you trying to tear us apart, can't you just be happy for us? Do you really care about getting your way so much that you refuse to pay attention to your son's happiness? We belong together and no amount of money and strippers will change that."

"Oh cut the crap I know your little engagement was a sham, Jaehyun made you do this so I'd get off his back about marriage. When he told me he had a secret girlfriend he's been hiding I never believed it, he may be sneaky but he isn't that sneaky. My son deserves someone who is on the same level as him. You are obsolete and you'll never be good enough for him."

"Mother, that's enough! You have no right to talk to my fiancee like that. You have been dictating my life for years and it's time your control over me comes to an end. If you disapprove of this marriage then don't bother showing up to the wedding. I'm done with having to deal with all your complaining, live your life how you want and let me live mine the same. Now if you'll excuse us we would like to head home. Night mother."

Jaehyun Grabs my arm and drags me out of the hall. His eyebrows are furrowed and his posture tense, I can tell he got really heated back there. I can't believe he told his own mother not to come to his sister's wedding.

The car ride back was quiet. I wanted to break the tension but I was afraid I'd make things worse. Once we got back to the house I tried to approach him to see if he was ok. I tapped his shoulder and he slowly turned around. He gently stroked my cheek before slamming his lips onto mine.

The kiss was passionate and wild, all of his pent up emotions were flowing out of him. It lit my skin on fire but I only wanted more. We made our way to the bedroom clothes left lying on the ground making a trail as we got closer to our destination. He threw me onto the bed and got to work. The night was filled with passion and I couldn't get enough of it. With the wedding coming up in the next two weeks, I needed to let off some steam.

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