Purple Hair

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 No. Don't all British people say that? I shook my head as if it would clear all the jumbled thoughts running in my head. By the time I stood up and made it to were Steven was siting, Ben and Sadie were already there. I stood in front of the couch uncertainly and realized that there wasn't any room left, between Steven and the other two vampires. But Steven just grinned,

"You can have the pleasure of sitting on my lap if you wish." I could feel my face get hot, But I relished the look on Ben's face.

"Your legs will regret this" I teased, but Steven just pulled me onto his lap. Ben's faced darkened and he stood up.

"Shouldn't we be getting ready for this ball everyone is talking about?" Sadie nodded and stood up beside him.

"Yeah it's going to start in half an hour, if you want I can help you get ready" she said looking at me. I shook my head, saying nothing else, so she walked out of the room.

"You have," Ben glanced at his wristwatch, "about an hour to get more information. I'll be at the ball with Sadie if you need me." He jogged out the door without a backward glance. I turned toward one of the vampires,

"So I heard that the meeting ended because everybody freaked out when they learned about a Scarlet uprising." I said so casually that it almost didn't register to him.

"What! Who told you that?" He looked around frantically, his purple died hair whipping around crazily, he noticed my curious expression and froze. "I mean...." The guy next to him, who had completly normal colored hair, patted his back consolingly. He glared at me as Purple Hair fisted his hands in his hair and moaned, "We are so screwed!"

"Calm down now, we aren't here to turn you in mate. We just need some information, that's all." The other one still looked wary, but he was the first to speak,

"Alright. First we have to go somewhere safe and then you can tell us why you need info. Maybe we'll consider telling you. Got it?" Steven and I both nodded. He stood up and we followed him and Purple hair.

                                                        One Cramped Closet Later...

"Really? A closet is the best you could do, bummer." Steven's voice was a little muffled considering he face was smushed against the back of my head. Purple hair turned on the light and cleared his throat,

"Are you gonna complain or tell us why you need information about the Scarlet Children?" Steven nudged me and I looked at the guys. And then I told them.  After Purple hair finished sniffling at what a sad story that was, he blew his nose with Stevens's handkerchief. "Oh, we have to help them Adam." He looked at him with his puffy eyes, "Please."

"Yes, please. You seem like a nice guy" said Steven. Adam sighed,

"Fine. Ian is part vampire and part fey, his mom was a vampire and she met his dad when she was visiting the faerie realms. He used his farie powers to make her fall in love with him. Somehow she found out and managed to escape..." he put his arm around Ian, "His mom put him up for adoption as soon as he was born and they never saw each other again. My story however is much less dramatic and heart breaking. My parents met the same way yours did, Evelyn. At the ball they fell in love, had me in secret, and raised me to be a normal vampire. The end."

"Wait, you're a full vampire?" Adam nodded.

"Yeah, but I don't have anything against cross breeds." He kissed Ian. Wow apparently not.

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