What's scarper?

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Now don't think I have anything against gay people, it's just that Ian and Adam surprised me. I didn't expect them to start making out right in front of me. Then again, we are in a closet.

"All right mates, that's enough now." Steven pulled Ian off of Adam.

"Sorry" they both said. I shrugged,

"It doesn't matter. You have to tell us the rest of your story." Adam blew out a deep breath, leaning against the shelf on the wall.

"I told you everything you need to know."

"Did you?" I copied him and leaned against the opposite wall. Adam rolled his eyes,

"If you want to know more, then you have to promise us something." I looked at him confused, but Steven motioned for him to continue. He took another deep breath,

"Whatever you guys are doing," he paused and looked over at Ian "you have top take us with you and let us help. Before you say no let me just say that, you of all people should know how hard it is to fit in with these people. Please help us." The thing was I did understand, I heard them at the meeting and saw what they looked like. They hated the Scarlet Children and they would do whatever it took to get rid of them. This wasn't entirely my decision, but I had to help.

"Alright you can join us or whatever. Don't tell anyone or anything, got it?" They both nodded, so I turned to Steven. "You can join too if you want."

"That's rather lovely of you. Of course i'll join you and your merry band of thieves" he teased, eyes twinkling with excitement. "I just have to grab a ruck sack and we can be on our way."

"Yes you all should pack a backpack of clothing and food and supplies we might need. Phillip and Charlotte mentioned something about the woods were his pack is so..." I shrugged, not entirely sure of what else to say. I scraped my shoe along the tiled floor in the closet, thinking about all of this. "Oh, we need to meet at the Rosewind Hotel after you guys are ready. We already have two suites booked so we can split them up when you get there. Try to be there around four o' clock." I looked around to see all of their faces, they seemed to agree and understand. Steven opened the door cautiously and looked around.

"All clear, let's scarper." He walked out into the hallway and waited for us to follow. I heard Ian whisper to Adam,

"What did that guy say?" I turned around and smiled at Adam as he replied,

"He said scarper, it means to escape fast."

"Ohhh. I get it now." Adam shook his head at me. We walked down the halls until we got to the front room.

"I should probably find Ben... see you guys at the hotel?" They all nodded and walked out the door. Steven turned around and waved at me, I waved back right before the doors closed. Turning around I headed towards the doors that Ben and Sadie had walked through earlier. Darn, I don't have time to put on my pretty dress, I better not tell Charlotte. As I stood in front of the doors a man in tux opened the door for me. He must have used the bathroom because he had a piece of toilet paper stuck to his shoe. I didn't say anything as I averted eye contact and hurried through the doors. I had to stand there and look for Ben for a long time, finally I saw him and tried to get his attention. But he was entirely focused on Sadie. Sighing, I stepped into the crowd of vampires who were partying,oblivious to my attempt to grab Ben. When I managed to get close enough to poke him some woman bumped into me and I ended up crashing into him.

"Oops! I'm so sorry Ben, some woman bumped into me and well, it was an accident I swear." He studied me for a moment before allowing me to help him up. Glancing at his wrist he muttered,

"Dang it, it's almost three thirty" he looked guiltily at Sadie, "I'm sorry but, we have to leave now." She grabbed his arm and wrote something on it. I'm pretty sure it was her phone number by the way Ben's face reddened. I rolled my eyes and pulled Ben through the crowd,

"Come on big guy we have to get home before Charlotte freaks. Besides we have some friends coming over." The door slammed shut as he turned to me,

"What friends?" Ben crossed his arms and stared me down. I cringed,

"Steven, Adam, and Ian."

"And who are they?"

"That British dude and two guys we met who offered information."

"In exchange for..."  I stared to walk down the hall and he followed.

"In exchange for shelter, and don't argue with me Ben because you can't tell me they can't stay. You are not in charge."  We had just walked out the building and he spun me around to face him.

"Is that what you think of me? I'm not going to make them leave, sure I would have liked to discuss it first but, I just wanted to know why your recruiting people."

"Ian is a Scarlet Child and Adam is his boyfriend. You said I needed to form a pack, so I am." We reached the end of the drive and we stopped talking while he called a cab. I could feel him watching me as he talked on the phone.

"Taxi will be here in 10 or 15 minutes. Look i'm sorry if I made you mad. I honestly don't care who joins us. I guess i'm tired, it is the middle of the night." He sat on the curb and I looked down at him,

"It's okay. I understand, i'm tired too." Ben patted the curb and I sat down next to him, waiting for the taxi.

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