Pixie Dust and Flirting

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I woke up feeling much better. I got up and went into the little kitchen, but no one was there. So I walked through the little cottage looking for people. It was so quiet and peaceful that I almost went back to bed. But I wanted to know where everyone else was. I grabbed my shoes and headed outside. I spotted Ian walking alone into the woods. Quickly shoving on my shoes, I ran after him. He didn't notice me for quite a few minutes, not that I didn't want to be noticed. I smiled as he stopped to wait for me to catch up.

"Evie! Why are you following me?!" My smile faded.

"I tried to get your attention but you were too far away. What's the big deal anyway?" His face paled as he glanced around us,

"You can't tell anyone, even here I could get in a lot of trouble." He paused until I nodded, "I was going to visit the pixies."

"Pixies! I don't know anyone who can talk to them, not even the Fey..." He nodded.

"Yeah, they can't. But the offspring of vampires and fae or werewolves and Fey can. That's why nobody wants the Scarlet Children. They are afraid." He looked at me intensely.

"Of us?"

"Of us." He repeated firmly.

"Soooo....why are you talking to the pixies?"

"They are incredibly smart. They can scout around and give me all the information I need. Before I met you Adam and I were going to start a rebellion."

"Yeah, I guessed that you were up to something when we met." I grinned.

"I'm currently busy with you guys but I still have them scout out."

"What do they scout, exactly?"

"Scarlet Children."

"Obviously." I sighed, "how is it that it always ends up being about them? Hardly anyone knows they exist." Ian just shrugged. We started walking deeper into the woods,

"Stop." He said a few moments later. "When they come they'll probably swarm around you. Don't panic because they're just curious." He looked around, "Get ready..." Suddenly I saw them.

"Oh, boy." i flinched, then relaxed. They were like tiny balls of light flowing around me. It was amazing. "Wow." I laughed and spun around. The pixies swirled around me like a bright cloak of light. I could hear their chatter, but I couldn't understand it. It still sounded beautiful, though. "Ian, what are they saying?" He frowned,

"They like you. They say that they want to help you."

"So. How is that a bad thing?" I stopped twirling and the pixies chatter grew louder and faster.

"They say you're in grave danger." He almost had to shout to be heard. "They say that the Council's looking for you and that they put a price on your head."

"Why?" I knelt on the grass, to weak to stand.

"Because, Evie, they declared that all Scarlet Children had to be imprisoned for everyone's sake." I looked up at the pixies,

"What can we do?" Ian and the pixies were quiet for a moment. Finally, he turned to me.

"They can alter your appearance temporarily. In case they have scouts of their own. That's really all anyone can do." I took a deep breath,

"As long as it doesn't hurt." Ian nodded at the pixies and suddenly I was showered with what I can only describe it as "pixie dust". I know it sounds corny but it was. I felt a tingling sensation as the dust settled around me. When it was over the pixies flew away,

"Well, how do I look?" Ian stared at me for awhile before grinning,

"You look a few years older with darker skin and hair, oh and you have the prettiest blue eyes!" He gushed.

"Yeah okay, but how much older?" I asked worriedly.

"You look like your 23 about. Don't worry Steven and Ben will still fight over you."

"Ian!" I blushed. "Come on let's show off my new body."

                                                One walk out of the woods later....

"No way! Is it really you Evie?" I nodded for the fifth time.

"I told you, pixies are real." Ben looked at me suspiciously.

"How do I know your telling the truth?"

"Ben, please. Why would I lie?" He sighed,

"You're right. I'm sorry." I nodded, accepting his apology.

"If it makes you feel any better you look hot in that body." Steven teased.

"What about my real body?" I tossed back.

"Hotter" Steven blushed as Ian giggled. Ben looked away.

"Hey, where'd Adam go?" I looked around to see if he would materialize. Nope.

"Adam is showing the new girl around. She's part witch and part Fey, which is ah-mazing!" Ian babbled on happily and I pretended to listen. Eventually he realized I was just nodding my head and he stopped. Somewhere behind us I heard clapping,

"Well I thought it was interesting." We all turned to see a tall black girl standing with her hands on her hips, Adam was right next to her. "What are you staring at?" She cocked a perfectly arched brow.

"Everyone, this is Samara Adbee. She's our new member." Adam said this naturally, but in his eyes their was anger and... fear? Ben stood up,

"Welcome Samara. I hope you enjoy your stay here" he held out his hand for her to shake. She smirked at me before sliding closer to him,

"Oh, do call me Mara. And what should I call you?" Again with the eyebrow, fortunately Ben seemed immune to her flirting. He took a step back,

"I'm Benjamin" he gestured to all of us, "and this is Ian, Evelyn, you already met Adam. And last of all Steven." Samara looked all of us over and I had a strange urge to straighten out my clothing and smooth out my hair. As if she knew, Samara stared extra hard at me and curled her lip,

"Evelyn, I just love that shirt." I looked down at the oversized plaid I was wearing. I smiled at her mischievously,

"That's nice, but it's not mine" I paused and leaned towards Ben, "This is one of Ben's shirts." Samara's eyes widened and I tried hard not to smile, "Isn't he sweet?"

"Yes, so sweet." She turned towards Steven, "Well aren't you a pretty piece of eye candy." He copied her and raised a brow,

"Sorry, not interested." Steven took my hand and pulled me away from Ben, "By the way, Ian and Adam are gay." He led me towards the cottage. When we got there, Steven headed towards Lora's room. He shut the door and we sat on the bed, "Man is she desperate." He shook his head and I couldn't help but laugh. I sobered quickly,



"Do you think we can trust her. I mean she's part Fey and witch, not to be judgemental or anything, but in the past they have been the the most deceptive, right?"

"Yeah, but don't believe that about everyone. Look at Charlotte, she's one of the best people I know."

"Steven you met her once." He grinned.

"But she made me pancakes and they were brilliant."

"So she's a good person because she made you pancakes?"

"They were bloody good pancakes. But...." he scooted closer "you know what I like more?"


"Kissing." Steven leaned towards me and his soft lips pressed against mine. When he pulled away I smirked,

"I agree, kissing is better." And I leaned foward to kiss him again.

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