Rocky Road

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Ben stomped on the brakes hard. Glancing back once the truck stopped he pulled out and around towards the exit. No one spoke. The road we were know on was a long and winding dirt road. I grimaced as we went over a particularly large bump in the bumpy old road.

"I think i'm going to be sick." Steven turned around and gave me a sympathetic look,

"According to the map we'll be at the pier shortly." I nodded and curled up to my side. Steven must have turned around because I heard the map crinkle. I closed my eyes and moaned,

"Bleggh! Stop the car. Stop it now!" I stumbled out of the car and bent over to hurl my guts out. Someone pulled my hair away from my face. "Thanks" I muttered as I wiped my face. I stumbled back to the truck and Steven and Ben helped me up. I heard them whispering after they shut the door. I glared, but, was too weak to say or do anything. The boys climbed back into the truck,

"We need to get to the island now" Ben looked at me, "Can you make it?"

"It's not like i'm going to die." I replied loftily. He gave me a half smile.

"Okay then, off we go." Lora giggled at Steven's funny faces he made behind Ben's back. Ben caught my eye and I rolled mine at Steven, he grinned and turned to face the road. Humming as he drove way over the speed limit.

                                                      Arriving at the pier, thank god for that...

Ben helped Lora out of her car seat, while Steven and I loaded the small speedboat with our luggage. As I put the last of the bags in the boat I noticed that Steven was looking at me strangely.


"You really don't look good."

"I know, I threw up."

"You look bloody well worse than that."

"It's because I need a pack," I sat on the edge of the boat to wait for Ben and Lora, "Charlotte said when I turned 18 then I would need to have others of my kind. It helps my body develop into what it needs to develop into or something like that." I shrugged and slid into the boat. He turned to help Lora into the boat,

"It's your birthday?"

"Yes, it's not that big of a deal."

"Nonsense!" Steven looked offended. "Ben did you know it was Evie's birthday?" Ben looked up at me in surprise as he untied the rope from the dock.

"No, I had no idea. Why didn't you tell us Evelyn?" I shrugged my shoulders again.

"You guys, calm down. Does it look like i'm in the mood for celebrating?" When they didn't answer, I wobbled over to the front of the boat so I could stretch out my legs. Lora tagged along behind me.

"I love boats. Do you love boats?" I nodded. "Do you love them more than Steven?" I blushed and didn't reply, where did she get this stuff? I breathed a sigh of relief to see the boys talking and readying the boat. Lora leaned over the railing to "look for mermaids" she said. I watched to make sure she didn't fall off the boat. Once Ben got the boat started I made her sit down, though she made me promise to look for mermaids, since she couldn't see over the railing.

"Evie" I looked at Ben, "You don't look good."

"Thanks Captain Obvious." I said this tiredly, not even pretending to joke around. Both Ben and Steven watched me as we sped towards Lone Wolf Island. I could just start to make out the island.

"Land Ho!" Steven shouted.

"Land Ho!" Lora chimed in. I stayed silent, rubbing my aching legs. When we were as close to land as we could get, Steven dived out of the boat. Ben looked out in alarm, but he continued on to the Island's pier. I looked back to see him pop up and swim to shore, he waved when he was on the strip of beach. I smiled wanly as he attempted a snow angel in the sand. Ben, however, wasn't pleased. He had to try to tie the rope to the pier while steadying the boat, and it took him several tries before Steven came over.

"You moron! While you're out playing Evie's getting sicker as I waste time trying to tie up the boat!" Steven looked at me and paled,

"Evie, i'm so sorry. I-"

"Shut up and help me!" Steven obeyed and together they managed to tie up the boat. Ben climbed over to me and helped me up, but it became apparent that my legs weren't working properly. Ben picked me up and carried me off the boat, Steven took me at the dock so Ben could grab Lora. Then we walked up the beach towards a wooded area. As we stepped into the woods we were immediately surrounded in darkness.

"Wait here." Ben turned away from us and walked off to the side. I looked up at Steven,

"What is he doing?" He set me down on a large rock and leaned against it.

"He'll probably shift so he can contact his pack." We waited for a few minutes and eventually a large dark colored wolf appeared, Lora ran over and threw her arms around his neck. In his mouth he carried a bundle of clothes he had worn before he shifted. Lora climbed onto his back and they headed farther into the woods. Steven allowed me to put my arms around his neck and lean my head against his chest as he carried me. He smelled really good I realized, sort of like almonds and faintly of soap. If he realized I was breathing him in, he didn't say anything. For that I was extremely grateful. After walking for about an hour we came to a clearing filled with tents and teeny tiny cottages. People were walking around doing various things, some gave us curious looks. Others didn't notice or chose to ignore us, which was fine by me. Ben walked over to a cottage that was in the middle of the clearing. It was made of stone and was slightly larger than the others. He opened the door and stepped inside, it was dim in there so I found the light switch and flicked it on.

"Wow you have electricity."

"Yeah, Phillip and the others argued for awhile, but they gave in." He walked into a small kitchen and grabbed a bottle of blood from the fridge. He handed it to Lora and she skipped over to the table near a window. "Sorry I only have the one bottle. Phillip and the others should be hear in a day or two."

"A day or two? " He nodded.

"Charlotte caught word about a possible Blood Wolf on the way. I contacted Phillip and he said he'd be here soon."

"Two days is not soon." I shuddered, " Is it just me or is it cold in here?" Ben picked me up and carried me down a short hallway to a pink painted bedroom. "I'm guessing this is Lora's room." He chuckled as he set me gently on the bed,

"How did you know? Is it because of the pink?"

"No, it said "Lora" on the door." We smiled for a moment. Then I started coughing, "It is cold." Ben walked over to a pile of blankets on a desk and placed them on top of me.

"Better?" He asked as he tucked me in. I nodded and buried my head under the covers. I heard him walk out and whisper, "Sleep tight". So I did.

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