Chocolate fiends

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                                *Sorry this is so short.... enjoy it anyways.*

After our intense make out session Steven and I decided to look for food, so we raided the kitchen. There was five or six cabinets to explore and that's were Ben found us, rummaging in the kitchen cupboards on our hands and knees.

"Really? You could have asked." I jumped and guiltily hid the half empty bag of  cheesy curls behind my back, pushing the cabinet door closed. Steven continued to look in the cupboards, I nudged him.

"Steven!" I hissed, he looked up and smiled at Ben.

"Hello Mate, just looking for the food." He turned away and continued to look. Ben pursed his lips, I was preparing to get yelled at, but then he grinned,

"The chocolate bars are in the top left one." Steven opened up the cupboard and pulled out a bunch of king sized candy bars. I looked at them in surprise, but it was a pleasant surprise.

"How'd you know I was looking for chocolate?" Ben shrugged.

"You were sending off a chocolate vibe." He said in a mysterious voice. Steven shook his head and handed me a peanut butter bar, I wrinkled my nose and gave it back, opting for a plain dark chocolate one. Ben snagged the peanut butter reject and sat down at the table, "Just kidding, Samara told me. She can predict things, sometimes. Among other really cool things." Ben drummed his fingers on the worn wooden table. I wrinkled my nose,

"I don't trust her. We need to keep an eye on her at all times." He rolled his eyes,

"Evelyn you're just mad that I invited her without your permission. I think you're overreacting." I gasped.

"No that's not it at all! You-" Steven shushed me.

"You too need to grow up, stop fighting, and focus on the important things." He took a huge bite of candy, "Besides, Evie's in charge and we do what she says." I nodded at him.

"So I guess that makes you her right hand man" Ben snarled. Steven grinned,

"You bet, mate. Unless Evie prefers someone different?" They both looked at me and my throat went dry. They waited,

"Steven can have the job, but he doesn't get paid." I said, attempting to be humorous. Steven looked triumph and I was surprised he didn't start dancing. Ben stayed silent, I stared at the wall above his head. When nobody said anything I stood up and tossed my hands in the air, "Why can't you guys just get along and stop trying to be macho men? Who needs to grow up now?" They looked at me, surprised by my outburst.

"Did she say macho men?"

"Evidently." They chuckled as I walked away. I went back to Lora's room and grabbed a book out of my bag. I settled on the bed and started reading my favorite book, not pausing when I heard a door close and footsteps sounding near me. Knock. Knock. Hmm, should I let 'em in?

"Come in." Ben stepped inside and scowled at me. Darn, wrong choice.

"What are you reading for?" I rolled my eyes at what a typical guy he was.

"Everyone should read once in awhile."

"It's boring." I sighed exasperatingly.

"When you read a book it's like entering a new world filled with wonderful and alluring adventures. Who wouldn't want to read?"

"Evie we're living in an adventure right now, so close the stupid book already and let's go outside." I sat up and closed the book,

"But it's 'The Picture of Dorian Gray' by Oscar Wilde. That's my all time favorite book." And of course, Ben just rolled his eyes and pulled me off the bed,

"I thought I told you I didn't care." I shook my head.

"No you didn't."

"Evie?" He took the book and tossed it on the bed. Oh, God. What now?

"Yeah?" He looked down at me and grinned,

"I don't care."

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