Breaking in

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We drove in silence the whole way there. I stared out the window wishing someone would say something to break the silence. Phillip breathed out a sigh as we stopped in front of the Council's drive,

"This is where i'll have to leave you guys. Good luck and be careful, i'd hate to see the Council get their hands on you." He turned around to face me, "Evie please be careful and avoid your parents."

I nodded surprised that he called me Evie, I kinda liked it. Smiling I climbed out of the car to stand next to Ben,who was still ignoring me. Phillip must have noticed because he rolled down the window,

"Benjamin be polite and at least pretend to like Evelyn." I tried to mask my giggles with a serious case of coughs, but Ben gave me a look. Oh well, it's not like he could get any more angry with me. But instead of yelling at me he just grabbed my hand and pulled me up the drive to the Council. At the doors stood two huge muscular vampires with clipboards.

"Ben they have clipboards!" I frantically whispered at him. He ignored me and walked calmly up to them,

"Hello gentlemen." They eyed him before the one on the right said,

"Got a name there?" Ben nodded and motioned for me to stand next to him.

"Yes, i'm Franklin Stewart and this is my date Elizabeth Mares." The one on the right checked his clipboard and nodded at the other one. They stepped aside and opened the doors to let us in.

"Enjoy the party kids." The one on the left said before he shut the door behind us. I looked at Ben,

"How did you do that?" He smiled and replied,

"Phillip bribed one of those guys earlier" he said with a shrug. We walked into a large room filled with teenage vampires who were now staring at us. Some whispered to each other and others ignored us. The rest just stared, Ben walked over to a group that was staring,

"Excuse me, do you happen to know where the Council meeting is?" A pretty blonde vampire smiled at him,

"Yes it's the second door on the right, down that hallway," she pointed, "but I don't think you're old enough." She gave him a flirty smile and scooted over patting the space next to her. Ben grinned and sat down then realizing I was stil there he said,

"Well go on Elizabeth, hurry up and change before you miss the meeting. I'll wait here with..." he looked at the blonde.


"Yes, Sadie and I will chat while you attend the meeting." The blonde looked way to happy about that, not that I cared what Sadie thought about Ben.

"Alright, i'll see you after the meeting,Franklin." I walked away before either of them could reply. Then I realized I didn't know where the bathroom was. Bleep! I turned around and walked back over to where Sadie and Ben were sitting.

"Um, Sadie do you know where the bathroom is?" She smiled and stood up

"Franklin don't go anywhere now." Sadie teased as she took my arm to lead me away. Ben laughed,

"I'll be waiting Sadie." I frowned and turned away. Sadie walked me down a hallway until she stopped at a door.

"Here it is" she pushed open the door and held it open for me.

"Thanks Sadie." I walked over to the last stall and walked in. I opened the garment bag and pulled out the navy blue pant suit. I put it on and carefully put my dress in the bag. Stepping out I noticed that Sadie was standing by the mirrors fixing her already flawless hair.

"Oh, were you waiting for me?" I walked over to the sinks and turned on the faucet, after splashing some cold water on my face, Sadie handed me a towel.

"Thanks." She nodded then cleared her throat.

"Are you dating Franklin?" She blurted. I looked at her in surprise,

"No, i'm definetly not dating him." I walked over to a clothes rack and placed my bag on it before turning to face Sadie again.

"That's great! I'm going to go now, do you remember where the meeting is?" When I nodded she walked out the door without another word. I looked at my reflection in the mirror, here goes nothing. With a deep breath I pushed open the door and stepped into the hall.

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