Sleeping Beauty

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"Oops, I forgot to grab my dress." Just as I stood up the taxi pulled up to us, "Bleep! Ben what are we going to do?" He ran his fingers through his hair and glanced at the taxi. Walking up to the driver he spoke to him for a few minutes. After exchanging some words,at which Ben pulled out three fives and handed them to the driver. Then he walked back over and opened the door for me,

"Wait in the taxi i'll be right back, okay?" When I nodded he shut the door and walked back up the drive. I watched him from the window for a few minutes before I grew bored and dug in my clutch I had brought for my lip gloss. But I couldn't find it, I knew I brought it because it was my favorite and I made sure I had it before we left. So where was it? I looked up to see the cabdriver staring at me, not in the mood for his creepiness I said,

"What, do I have something on my face?" He blushed and shook his head, leaning away from the rear view mirror. Weird. I rolled down the window and stuck my head out to get some air flowing. The business suit I had on was not made for hot stuffy taxis. I watched the entrance doors fly open and Ben rush out. When he made it to the cab he breathed in and out heavily as he leaned forward on his knees.

"Open the door!" He shouted. I threw it open and scrambled over as he dove into the taxi and said, "Go. Go. Go!" I watched him confused, what was going on? I turned around, oh.

"Ben? There are people chasing us." He nodded still out of breath. The taxi sped down the road, leaving Ben's "paparazzi" behind. He handed me the now crumpled bag with the dress in it. "Charlotte." I said shaking my head. Ben winced,

"Yeah, but I was being chased by a bunch of bloodsuckers. I think that will give me immunity from her wrath." We shared a skeptical look. "Alright, maybe not."

"Why were they after you?" He looked at the cab driver, I suddenly remembered we weren't alone.

"Ummm, ha. Ha, ha ,ha Ben you are so funny. Vampires." I shook my head and pretended to be amused. The cab driver payed no attention to us. Wait until we get back, he mouthed to me. I nodded and leaned against the window. Before I knew it he was shaking me awake,

"Come on we're here" he said softly. I moaned but didn't open my eyes, I rolled over and curled up into a ball. He picked me up and carried me out of the taxi, "Evelyn? Wake up." He jolted me, I opened my eyes and yawned.

"Behhh..." I fell asleep before I could finish my sentence.

                                                                  20 minutes later.....

"Wake up Sleeping Beauty." Someone nudged me and I fell on the floor waking up with a bruised shoulder.

"What the..." I winced and covered my eyes as Adam flipped on the lights. "Adam what are you doing in here?" I looked around noticing that we were in my hotel suite. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and crawled back into the chair he pushed me out of.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to make you fall. I got bored waiting for you to wake up, so I woke you myself. Ben told me to watch over you while he talked to his parents." He walked over to a black duffel bag and pulled out two bottles of blood. Adam tossed one to me and opened the other one. The blood slid down my throat warm and salty,

"Mmm, thank you." He saluted me as he chugged his bottle. When he was down he took mine and threw both back into the duffel. Adam flopped onto the bed and pouted at me.

"Ian has to sleep in the other suite, I have to babysit you." I raised my eyebrows in surprise.

"Ben thinks I need a babysitter huh." Adam sat up and scratched his head,

"He didn't tell you?" I shook my head, "The Council found out that you were a bloodwolf and they threw a fit and demanded that they catch you. Ben said that he was going to get some supplies and he left with Phillip after he told us. He also told Steven to sleep in the other suite where he could keep an eye on him."

"Was Steven angry?" He laughed,

"No. He asked if Ben thought he was a psychopath. And Ben was like, maybe. So Steven said, It's because i'm British, right?" Adam rolled over laughing into the pillow. I sat there stunned,

"Well okay, i'm going to go see if anyone is in the living room." He waved, still laughing in the pillows. I shut the door and walked down the hall. Lora and Steven waved me over to the floor near the big windows. They were playing some kid game, I sat down in between them. "Do you mind if I play?" I asked Lora. She grinned,

"Yeah! The pack never played games with me." Lora said sadly before grinning again and handing me a purple elephant. "Danny can go after you" she informed Steven, who nodded and flicked a spinning wheel.

"Yes, four spaces" he moved a red snail on the game board. I smirked,

"Nice snail."

"Nice elephant" he shot back. I grinned and flicked the wheel,

"Two spaces." I moved my piece and stuck my tongue out at Steven.

"Danny" a cross little voice said, "You have to give me the wheel." I handed it to her,

"Actually Lora my name isn't Danny anymore, it's Evelyn." I watched her expression to see if she understood. She wrinkled her nose,

"Was Danny your pretend name? Sometimes I pretend to be Ariel the mermaid." She made swimming motions with her hands, which made us all laugh.

"Sorta I guess." She flicked the wheel not paying attention as she moved her piece, a yellow giraffe,

"Woohoo! I won Steve. I won." Lora ran around the room shrieking happily. We watched amused. When she was tired of running around, she plopped down on my lap. "I'm hungry." I turned to Steve,

"Will you grab a bottle of blood from the duffel bag in my room." He stood and ruffled Lora's hair, then walked away.

"He's nice." She looked up at me,I smiled and hugged her,

"He is, isn't he."

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