Chapter Four: It's Pretty Much Blood Bending

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We left at dawn just as I promised Naruto. The sun was now at its highest in the sky and we had been traveling at top speed for hours. I kept having to make Naruto slow down for Kakashi and Sakura. The kid is really fast, but then again he is the son of the yellow flash. It looked as if Sakura and Kakashi were running on empty when I finally saw the familiar walls of a familiar village. The far off image was distorted through the scorching heat waves moving on the horizon. It looked as if it was just a taunting mirage giving off false hope. But to our luck it really was the walls of Sunagakure. 

After telling the guards who we were, we immediately headed to the Kazakage's office where we were told to find the other sand siblings. Kakashi was leaning against me for support considering he was understandably exhausted. We already sent Sakura to where she will be staying so she can rest, and made Naruto go too.  

Gaara's sister Temari informed us that their brother had been poisoned by a member of the Akatsuki called Sasori of the Red Sand. 

'Oh yeah! Sasori the one that literally looks like he's twelve,' I thought as we entered the room were Kankoro was lying on a hospital bed. 

He looked very weak and was almost as pail as Lady Shi, almost. (Almost forgot about Aman's master didn't ya'! I mean maybe you remembered, ok I'll go now.)  You could see the purple poison running through his veins, which have become much more accentuated. That was not a good sign.  

"Oh this isn't good." Temari, Kakashi and the doctor lady all turned to look at me when I spoke.    

"Wait what do you mean? Do you know what this is?" Temari seemed very worried.

"Yeah. I've seen it before. This is a very strong poison. Just look at his limbs and chest. His veins are far more visible than normal. I've only seen one other poison that is strong enough to take over the blood stream so severely to the point were it's visible, and that poison was from Sasori," I explained to the group of worried people. 

"Is there a way to stop it? An antidote," the doctor lady asked. I hesitated for a moment.

"....Well there is an antidote, but it's made of herbs that grow in the highlands of my original  village, the Misty Mountain."

"That would take months to retrieve," Kakashi added. 

"Yes months that I'm afraid we just don't have," the doctor lady said solemnly. 

"Are you telling me that my brother is gonna die? Are you telling me that right after my younger brother was kidnapped that now my older brother is going to die?! Are you telling me there is no possible way to save him?!" Temari was on the verge of tears. 

"I'm sorry, dear. There's just nothing we can-"

"NO! That is not good enough! My brother can not die!"

"I'm sorry, we just don't-" Before the doctor lady could finish her sentence I interrupted.

"If I may interject, there may be something...that I can do." I thought about my own words for a moment. Did I really want to do this? It was difficult and pretty dangerous. 

"Really?! What is it? Do it!" Temari sounded as if she were ordering me and begging me at the same time. Kakashi gave me a questioning look.

"Well....I haven't done it for a long time, and it's rather risky-" I was interrupted by Temari.

"Is there a chance it could work?"

"Well, yeah," I was a bit hesitant.

"Then do it. I don't care if it's risky just do what ever it takes to save my brother." I had to admire the strength within Temari. 

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