Chapter 11: A Perfect Day...Almost

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Heyyy, sooo, I've decided to kinda skip the three and four tails part, 'cause I honestly don't remember most of it, and I really wanna get to the next part, soooo...yeah, thanks!


It was the middle of the night and I was lying in bed with Kakashi. We were both rather tired after-...earlier events that night, which had also left us with nothing between us but the sheets, if ya know what I mean.

Suddenly, Kakashi jerked awake in panic, which in turn woke me up.

"Aman! No! I'm sorry, no!"

"Kakashi!" I yelled trying to get him to snap him out of it. I wrapped my arms around his broad shoulders from behind. "Hey, shh, it's ok, it was just a dream."

He was still breathing hard and was slightly sweaty, but he started to calm down. I laid his head down in the valley between my breasts. He wrapped his strong yet lean arms around me, as I threaded my hand through his soft silver hair.

"What happened in this one?" He hesiteated at my question, but then he took a deep breath and spoke softly, with hurt lacing his voice.

"It was that moment...with Rin...but as she looked into my eyes, she slowly morphed into you...I-..I had killed you..." I lifted his head to look at me, and he rested his chin on my chest.

"Hey, it's ok, it was just a dream. I know you would never hurt me, and you know that Rin was not your fault. And let's be honest, love, you couldn't kill me if you tried." I smirked a little at the end, and he just gave me a look, which I replied to with an innocent shrug. He smiled softly and laid his head back down. I stroked his hair softly, which slowly lulled us both asleep.


I somehow managed not to have a mission, so I had the day off. So I was walking through town hand in hand with Kakashi. We had been spending the day together, which is very nice and rather rare. We stopped on the bridge and gazed into the river- well, I gazed into the river, Kakashi just gazed at me. After a few moments, he grabbed my hand and we started walking again.

"Come on, I have a few ideas for our day off," he said with his adorable eye smile. I just laughed and went along with it.


He wasn't kidding.

First, we went to Ichiraku's for lunch, where I got my favorite rice, with meat and miso soup. Kakashi of course got something, but ate it too quickly for me to even see what it was.

After that he took me to the fountain that we spent the Festival of Lights at, and he bought me a beautiful black lantern, with white roses and a blue moon on it. We got dangos and Daifuku after. Kakashi, of course, didn't really want any, but I fed him some dangos anyway. He liked them.

Next, we went swimming in a small lake we found in the forest. However, neither of us had a swim suit, but that didn't bother us;) We got cold after a while of...messing around, so we headed towards the hot springs. There, we just rested in each other's arms (and maybe had a couple of make out sessions).

When we left the hot springs, the sun had begun to set. Kakshi said he had one more thing planned. He took me to the top of the Hokage stone faces, and we sat on top of Minato Senei's head. As we sat up there in the golden light of the sun set, he pulled out a pic-nic basket filled with both of our favorite foods.

We just sat together eating our food, and watching the sun set. I had almost fallen asleep in Kakshi's arms, when an anbu popped out of nowhere, as they often do. She informed us that Lady Tsunade wanted to speak with us.


"I have a mission for the both of you."

So much for time off.

"I want you two to lead Team Kurenai on a tracking mission," Tsunnade satiated firmly.

"A tracking mission, huh? So what will we be tracking," I asked, only slightly annoyed that Kakashi and I were interrupted. Tsunade's face cringed a little, as if she was hoping I wasn't going to ask that. She looked very hesitant, and Kakashi looked worried, yet knowing. It was like Kakashi knew what Tsunade was going to say. The Lady Hokage took a deep breath then spoke.

"We need you to track down an Akatsuki member."

I started to grow worried.

"Namely...Itachi Uchiha."

My heart fell.

"If we find Itachi we will likely find Sasuke."

......You've gotta freaking kidding me.

Both Kakashi and Tsunade looked at me with anticipation and almost fear. I said nothing. I looked down at my feet, and thought for a moment. 'Maybe, just maybe, if I get to Itachi before Sasuke I can save him.' With that thought I lifted my head and simply nodded. I turned on my heel and calmly left the room. Kakashi looked back at Tusnade after I left. She nodded her head towards the door in an urgent manner, as if telling him, 'Go after her!'


As I was lying in bed at Kakashi and I's apartment, I heard the door open and felt Kakashi lay down next to me. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders and pulled me close to him. He then spoke into my ear with a calm, soft, deep voice.

"I know this is hard for you. Itachi was your brother- and very well still may be, but we owe it to the village to find Sasuke before he does something stupid-...well more stupid than he already has." I smiled at his last words. When Kakashi saw that, he smiled too. I took a deep breath and turned my body to face his.

"I don't know what I would do without're all I have left," I spoke softly. He wrapped his arms tighter around me.

"And you're all I have left, Aman....Once when Sasuke was in a mood, he said to me, 'What if I kill all the people you loved and cared about,' I just looked at him and said, 'Well for one, all of them have already been killed except for Aman. And two, you couldn't kill her if you tried.'" I laughed at his words and buried my face deeper in his chest.

Nothing else was said. We both just lied in the dark listening to the sounds of the night through our open window. Though I felt a little better, my head was filled with what might happen if I lost Itachi. I had slightly lied to Kakashi, he wasn't all I had left, but he may soon be......


Well that was nice. I felt there was a sore lack of romance between Kakashi and Aman. Well, you better buckle up, cause craps about to hit the fan. In other words, things are about to get...eventful.

Also could more of you please get back to me about the Lemmon! Please!

Anyways, as always you know what to do, thanks! See ya around!

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