Chapter 8: Don't You Dare

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Well, now I'm here. 'Here' being the outside of Orochimaru's hideout being the 'look out.' Then again I can't really complain cause at least that means I don't have to see Sasuke.

"Well, well, if it isn't my former useless sensei?"

'Son of a deku (japanese profanity).'

I looked up and saw said 'son of a deku,' Sasuke, standing with the snake-eyed-psychopath himself, do I even need to name him? My expression really said 'I hate everything,' when I looked up at them.

"Oh, look, if it isn't the two people in the world I never want to see. Boi! You didn't even get a freaking haircut!" I yelled back. I could feel Yamato's chakra nearby, so I yelled with a groan, "Found him!"

The rest of the team came running of course, cause, y'know, they actually wanted to be here. I honestly zoned out for their whole interaction, I just wanted to go home. 'Home' being Kakashi. But, then in a blink of an eye I saw Sasuke going for Naruto. Almost faster than my own old sensei (*cough* Minato *cough*) I intervened. I caught Sasuke's sword by the blade, and I felt it slice through my gloves and my fingers, but I made no movement. I looked Sasuke in the eye. My own irises were dark and held a cruel look in them. In one movement, I broke the blade of his sword.

"If you dare threaten any of my students, friends, or basically anyone who knows me, next time, it won't just be your blade I snap." Venom was dripping from my words. The specific poison was brewed with threat, hate, and protection.

Sasuke's eyes were wide, and they were filled with anger mixed beautifully with fear.

"Out of respect and care for Naruto and Sakura, I will let you go, but the threat I made the day you left, will always stand," I said slowly as I backed myself and Naruto away from Sasuke. He jumped back to where Orochipedo was. Naruto began to yell in protest but Yamato held him back.

 "Oh, and Sasuke," I said while turning to face them one more time. "Get a new outfit. You look like a stripper." His teeth gritted with anger, but the snake man held him back, and they (finally) left. With much protest from Naruto and Sakura, we started back to the village.

"How could you just let him go like that, Aman-senei?!" Naruto had been down her neck about her just letting Sasuke go.

"Yeah! That was our chance to get him home," Sakura added in.

"Look, the kid wanted to go, so I let him go. The village isn't his home anymore, and you two need to see that. The Sasuke you knew is gone," I said as I turned to them with a stern expression.

"Well, I'm not going to give up on him!....Not like you gave up on Itachi."

I stopped cold in my tracks, stiff as diamond.

"That's right, I found a file while working for Tsunade. You were his sensei, and I don't see you trying very hard to get him back. You cared about him didn't you?"

As if lighting hit the ground between the pinkett and myself, I was behind her in a flash. I lent down to her ear, and spoke in a soft but terrifyingly dark tone.

"You know nothing of Itachi. Nothing. He was the second brother I have lost, so don't you dare ever question my care for him."

Sakura was shaking in fright, as, in another flash, I was back walking ahead of the group. Everyone watched me with fear, and almost...pity.


We reached the village by the next night. I hadn't spoken a word the entire way, nor did anyone speak a word to me. I silently left the team, as I went home.

 I opened the door to mine and Kakashi's apartment, and was hit with the pleasant smell of meat-y ramen. I made my way to the kitchen where I found the one and only silver haired love of mine, cooking ramen.

"I figured you could use something good to eat once you came home," he spoke, without tuning toward me. His voice was deep and husky, just how I loved, and missed, it. He turned to me, and smiled. But his expression changed, when he could immediately tell that I was bothered.

"Hey," he put down the food, "What is it? Is everything alright?" I was quiet for a moment, then genuinely smiled. I wrapped my arms around his neck and put my head on his hard, but warm, chest.

"Yes. It is now." He wrapped his lean but strong arms around me, and nuzzled his, still masked, nose into my dark hair. He tilted my head up to look at him. He slowly pulled down his mask. His rough warm lips attached to mine. It had far two long, and we both knew it. We moved in perfect sync, lips and tongues.

After we sat and ate his wonderful ramen, we sat on the couch and turned on some movie that neither of us were really paying attention to. I was leaning against Kakashi, his one arm wrapped around me while the other was propped up on the back of the couch.

"I admire them. I really do," I said after a long but comfortable silence. Kakashi looked down at me, his eyes urging me to continue. "For wanting to bring Sasuke back. Naruto and Sakura...they're true friends...If only Sasuke could reciprocate that."

"Yes. It's quite remarkable. That's how I was." Aman looked up at Kakashi. "When you left. Everyone told me to give up on you, that you were lost, to find someone else, but I simply couldn't. After all, I loved you. They're the same. He's a brother to Naruto, and Sakura's rather infatuated with him, so in all honesty, how could you expect them to give up?"

His words made me think. They loved him. Well and truly. Kakashi was right, I couldn't expect them to give up on Sasuke.

But I could hope.


Short, but kinda heavy. 

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