Chapter 10

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PoV: Sonic

It hurts... I can't move... I couldn't sit up, my back hurt too much.

"You're awake," Shadow grabbed me, "Good."

"... S...shadow..." he was laying next to me, I felt his arms around me tighten.

"You're never going to escape me," he licked me, hurry up and kill me...

"Ah!" He lifted me out of the bed.

"Look," he lifted my chin and brought me to a mirror. My legs were shaking under my weight.

  I could see it... the bite mark he left on me. There was no way it would heal with the scar.

"..." I hated it.

"You belong to me."
PoV: Shadow

  Sonic squirmed in my grip as I help him. I pinned him onto the bed and kissed down his stomach.

"Aah..." he squirmed as I licked his thigh, "... n-no..."

  He attempted to close his legs, but I left him too sore for that.

"Your have no right to say no," I kissed him, asserting my dominance over him.
Light Lemons

  I licked his entrance and he flinched. I pushed my tongue into his body and he winced. He panted and moaned as I grazed his walls. Sonic was just two fun to tease. I sucked on him and his back arched. He was moaning despite not wanting it. That was all I need from him.

"AAAHH!" He came, all I had done was lather him.

Light Lemons End
  I let Sonic rest as I decided what to do with him next. I licked his ear and he whimpered.

"What the fuck," I backed away, "Damn it!"

"Ah!" I hadn't realized I had kicked his leg.

  The pill wore off. I didn't want to fuck him, I just wanted to tie him up and... and what? I don't want to beat him.

  I couldn't think clearly. My thoughts were hazed and clouded. I needed another pill just to organize my thoughts. I opened the bottle and quickly swallowed one. I waited a few moments and my thoughts cleared. All I wanted to do was fuck Sonic and make him mine.

  These pills... they make me attracted to Sonic. I opened the bottle and dropped a single blue pill into my hand, And they cause his team mate to rape him. I leaned over Sonic as he slept. His chest quietly rising and descending,  I wonder...

"Sonic," I forced his mouth open, "Swallow."


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