Chapter 15

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PoV: 3rd Person

A fight broke out in the main room. Shadow attacking every robot that cane his way. Tails was separately trying to free Sonic from the steel bindes around him. Amy smashed the control counsel and the robots ran rampid. The team battled, destroying their enemies and the room. Knuckles turned and punched the wall holding the bolts, causung it to crack and fall apart. Sonic was released and collapsed. Shadow caught him just before he hit the ground.

"He's cold," Shadow held Sonic's freezing body in his arms. Tails felt his forehead and immediately felt for his pulse. It was weak, but there.

"We need to get him to a hospital," Tails replied.

"It won't do you any good. There's no antidote for that poison," Eggman grinned.

"Why didn't you make an antidote?!" Amy shouted.

"Why would a villain need an antidote for someone they wanted to poison," Eggman replied, "Hello, evil genius here. If I get poisoned I can make an antidote for myself."

"Then you'll die," Shadow handed Sonic to Tails and created a chaos spear which he aimed at Eggman, "Make the anitode."

"There isn't one, besides. I erased the recipe. Ahahahahaha!" The laugh was the final thing the pudgey egg did before attempting to escape.

A single attack from Shadow was all it took. One attack and the fat man was done, he wouldn't be able to get back up again. The robots continued to attack, not knowing that their master was no more. The fight when on as more robots came.

"Shadow we could have gotten the recipe from him!" Tails snapped.

"That poison is still ending his life! Argue about it later! Let's go!" Sticks took Sonic and started running, dodging robot attacks and making her way out of the lair.

The others followed her, locking the door to the lair, leaving the robots trapped inside where they would wonder until they lost battery.

Sonic was raced to the hospital, the ER paid no attention to him. Their concerns were with the people who where bleeding. They sat there, calling for a doctor for hours until finally someone called them.

"You should have taken him to urgent care," the doctor immediately drew blood from Sonics arm and set it to the lab for immediate testing, "The ER was too long a wait. His body is shutting down. He's only got three days until his heart stops. We'll do what we can."

"Can you save him?" Tails asked, his eyes welling up in tears.

"We'll do what we can," they started monitoring Sonic's heart, breathing, and more.


They were all forced to wait outside the room. Waiting in the white hall of anxiety and worry. A woman in a white coat walked out, the look on her face only made the group more worried.

"Is Sonic okay?" The team asked.

"The poison is too strong, the medicine isn't working."

"You need to fix it. That's your job!" Shadow snapped.

"We did find one solution. A blood transfusion. He drain his blood and slowly replace it to water down the toxins in his system. It's risky, but it may save his life. We only need a doner of the same species and blood type. He's O positive. Unfortunately this means the doner will become anemic for some time. They'll need to take medication and be on a strict diet."

The group looked to Amy and Shadow. Them being the only hedgehogs there.

"I'll do it. My blood type is O positive," Amy stood, "I'll save Sonic any day."

"Then let's hurry," the doctor took Amy away with him.

"Shadow, why didn't you offer to help?" Tails asked, looking at the quietly worrying hedgehog.

"I don't know my blood type," he replied.

"But they could have tested you," Tails watched Shadow look at his own hands.

"I'm not his species," Shadow informed the small fox.

"You're a hedgehog."

"Among other things," Shadow clenched his fist, despising the fact that he couldn't transfer blood to Sonic.

  Amy was laid down in a bed next to Sonic. A needle injected to her arm. Once it start to pull blood from her it was injected into Sonic, as his blood was pulled into a blood bad labels 'bio hazard.'

  It began calmly and smoothly.

Then one of the heart monitors began to spur.


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