Chapter 5

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We finally arrived at the place and head out. When we get in there most of the place is set up and some fans are already out side waiting for it to start in another 2 hours. I decided to do a tiktok with chase while we waited in then I went to charge my phone by the wall. I slid down the wall then next thing you know payton walks up to me and sits down laying his head on my shoulder me laying my head against his. "Hey payt" i said as I was answering back all of my streaks, "nothing much its just I really like Avani but I think she is just using me to get to Anthony, he doesn't even like her like that" he said huffing. "Hey how about you ask Anthony to tell avani he doesn't like her so you can have a chance" i said raising my head "your right thanks for listening your the best" i stand up and held my hand out "lets get this show on the road" payton took my hand and got up as we walked to the place we where going to have the meet and greet.

Our manager got us all together and told us one by one where we would be standing it went sam then chase then Cynthia,  Jaden. I thought they were going to put Anthony beside Jaden but next thing you know I hear our manger tell me to stand next to Jaden. I walk over and start blushing I didn't know what to do after what happen in the bedroom this morning, luckily Anthony was standing on the other side of me. All of the girls started walking in and the meet and greet had begun, the first girl ran up to Jaden and jumped on him I've never seen a girl do that before and honestly it was crazy but I got used to it by the 10th girl. After a while we got a break so I decided to just sit where I was standing Jaden walking over to me. "Hey" he said sitting down beside me, I froze and didn't know what to do or say "uhh sitting here I guess" i said looking down at the floor making things awkward "what I'm confused I said hey" he said laughing "oh hey" he then roamed around and a fan walked over to hand me something "hi whitney could you give this to Jaden for me" she said handing me a letter and a bracelet she made that said boyfriend 2 ann "yes for sure" i said me being my awkward self, I decided to go somewhere quiet and by myself for the next 35 minutes so I could read my book (harry potter for the third time I was on the second book) in piece. i soon get a text from chase asking where I was because they were starting back up in 2 mins, I slid the note and the bracelet in my book and ran back to the meet and great. I walk over to my spot between Anthony and Jaden with my book in hand remembering about the note. "Umm Jaden a girl named ann wanted me to give you this" I said opening my book and handing him the letter with the bracelet around it. Before Jaden could say anything Anthony pipes in "you brought a book to the show, your such a dork whitney" he said rolling his eyes "wow you have a lot of nerve because I remember you reading that star wars book on the plane coming here you ant" i said hitting him with my book "okay okay word" Anthony said. I turned around back to Jaden who was laughing "i just wanted to say thanks for delivering it to me" he said smiling at me I just nodded my head and the meet and great started back up again and after that we went up on stage and just messed around everyone wanted me to sing something so someone you loved by lewis capaldi and Jaden sang a couple of song in then it was over. We all ended up packing up and going to eat dinner before we had to hit the road the next day.

*After dinner at the hotel*

Me, Jaden, Anthony and payton all went back to our room and everybody else decided to join in there but I was quite literally so tired and it was about 10:30 at night. So I grabbed my book and all my stuff I needed and went to go take a shower with all of the boys and Cynthia in the other room. I took my shower and did my skin care then dried the bathtub so I could lay down in it and read my book.

^I wore this^

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^I wore this^

Before I could Someone knocked on the door It was chase "who is it I" I said "its chase can I come in" he said "yeah" he I opened the door and he walked in and closed it behind him and locked it so no one else would come in. "Well hello there chase" I said getting in the bathtub and sitting down "is it okay if I go live in here its so nosey out there" he said setting his phone up "no problem with me imma just chill here and read my book" I said lifting it up and opening it to the page I stopped on. He began his live
"Whats up guys how are you doing tonight ask me question" he said moving his hair out of the way. Why are you in a bathroom? "Well its really loud out there and this is the only quiet place because everybody is in the two rooms." He said thanks for the very rich i just followed you. Is there someone in the bathroom with you "haha yeah whitney she is trying to read a book but we are all in her room so she came in the bathroom and locked the door until i knocked and asked if I could go live in here" he said panning his phone towards me I just waved "hi guys" i said going back to my book. Is she in a bathtub? "Yeah she is but I don't blame her everyone is laying and sitting on her bed" he said after being live for a while everyone left the room and chase left his phone with me while he went to say goodnight to Cynthia. "Hey guys how is your night going" I said "ask me questions while chase is gone" where did he go? I don't know I think to film a video" is Anthony your brother or cousin? "He's my twin brother lol like literally" i said laugh chase coming back in "oh and heres chase by guys I said passing him back his phone "none of them missed you they love me more than you" I said sticking out my tongue "wow I feel hurt well guys im going off so have a goodnight bye" he said looking at me "are you going to be in there all night" "ugh no is everyone gone" i said looking at my phone "everyone but me" he said walking to the door "oh okay then Ill get out in like 20 mins keep the door open tho" I said having bye. Not even five minutes after chase left I hear foot steps approach the door and look up to see.

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