Chapter 13

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Whitney POV
I got up and walked off the bus and headed into the meet and greet. I seen that Jaden and Anthony stayed back and were talking to Trent. I decided to go to the bathroom and talk to my mom "hey mom" i said sitting down in the stall "he baby cake hows tour going" she said "it's actually going really well i just cant believe dads been dead for a year i miss him a lot and I don't want to tell Anthony that I'm sad because he will try to act all taught around me and i know that inside he is really hurting." Said starting to cry "hey sis you know he loves you and wouldn't want you to be said he died serving the country he loves" she said "i know I'm gonna go now" i got up off the bathroom floor washed my hands of course and walked out of the bathroom like nothing happened. The meet and greet started for the people who add the early access, i could tell that Jaden was putting on a fake smile and it was driving me mad. The meet and greet was over and it was time for the show i could tell he still wasn't his self but i left it alone. After the show was over we got back on the bus and we just went straight to dinner. We got canes and ate, all of use talking amongst our self beside me a Jaden who were on opposite sides of the table.

*Skip dinner*

We got back to the hotel and everyone decided to go to Anthonys room so before anyone noticed I pulled Jaden aside and into our room. "Is everything okay, you've been putting on a fake smile all day and not being your self I'm worried" i said standing in front if the bed where he sat down with my arms crossed. He just put his head in his hands and started crying "wait no what wrong pleases don't cry" i walk closer to him "its just that last night my mom called me and told me my grandma had passed away" he sat there and just bald his eyes out. I knew how he felt i just sat next to him and hugged him Anthony always did that when i was sad. "Hey its okay man let it out does anybody else know" i said "yeah Anthony and trent" he said moving his hair out of his face. I Wipe the tears off his face and just held it. "Why are you so nice" he said "because i know the feeling of loss all to well and I would never want anyone to go through it" i said "who did you lose" Jaden said i just took a big deep breath "my dad" "oh I didn't know" he said in shock "yeah we don't really talk about it was a lot to deal with" i said looking down "when" he asked still wiping tears from his eyes "one" my voice cracks "one year ago tomorrow" i said tears rolling down my face "gosh now were crying together how cute" i said drying the tears off of my face holding my hand out "are you going to come there gonna think something is happening once they realize that we are both gone" i said laughing "yeah lets go" he said grabbing my hand and us both walking out. "We should probably stop by the bending machine first" we stop and i get a pop tart and head to chases room. I then proceed to knock on the door when noen opens the door "ooh where have you two been" he yelled then winked "the bending machine wouldn't give me my pop tart so we where beating it up my love child" i said walking past ohh. I laid down next to Anthony on the bed and could tell he was in his feels but when isn't he. Ill just talk to him later.

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