kitten : yugbum

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innocent kitten hybrid yugyeom is adopted by lovable jaebeom requested by GC_fucks

jaebeom is a lonely guy. his apartment is too large for just himself after his best friend moved out to live with his boyfriend and jaebeom didn't some company.

while browsing the internet, he finds a thread about hybrids. there are people talking about their experiences with adopting a hybrid and most of them are very positive.

jaebeom has never really thought about adopting a hybrid but when he thinks about it, it sounds like a good idea. he won't be alone and he has the resources to spoil any hybrid he gets.

so he finds a day that he's free and plans to go adopt a hybrid. he's nervous but excited. it will be nice to have a companion, someone to talk to and to eat dinner with.

he sets up jinyoung's old room to make it fit for a hybrid. lots of blankets and pillows, some plushies and a few their things jaebeom gets when he sees at the store.

jaebeom does lots of research before he's heaving to one of the hybrid adoption centers near him. he wants to make sure he doesn't do anything wrong as the hybrid he adopts will have feeling and he doesn't want to mess up.

the moment jaebeom sees him, he knows it's the one he wants. he's a cat hybrid, jaebeom can tell from the black ears emerging from a head of fluffy hair that twitch when he makes eye contact with jaebeom.

jaebeom walks over to him as sticks out his hand, showing a level of respect that others rarely do. the hybrid, with soft and gentle hands, grabbed jaebeom's and shook it, introducing himself as yugyeom, a kitten hybrid.

the paper work doesn't take long after jaebeom says he understands that yugyeom might be a bit immature as he is a kitten, not a cat, hybrid. he's young and naive but jaebeom doesn't mind. the connection he immediately felt with the hybrid trumped any of that.

"ready to go home?" jaebeom asks, holding yugyeom's hand as they walk out to jaebeom's car.

"home?" yugyeom asks softly. he only home he had ever known was the adoption center.

"yeah, home. you'll live with me now. how doesn't that sound?" yugyeom doesn't answer but he doesn't have to. jaebeom knows it's probably a lot of take in but he hopes he can help the boy adjust well.

he shows yugyeom around the house when they arrive, including the boy's room. he tells him that they can decorate it however he wants and they can go out shopping someday soon.

"is there anything you want to do?" jaebeom asks as they sit on the couch. yugyeom is already curled up into a ball but his ears perk up at jaebeom's question.

"i had a plushie but my roommate destroyed it and i can't sleep without it. can i get a new one?"

jaebeom is already pulling yugyeom out to his car and driving to the mall by the time the boy finishes his question. there is a store there that is full of all kinds of plushies and jaebeom would buy them all for yugyeom if he could.

yugyeom picks out five, not telling jaebeom that one of them is a gift for him until they leave the store after jaebeom purchased them.

"i picked this one out for you," yugyeom tells him as he hands jaebeom the cat plush. it's tiny and jaebeom already knows where he'll keep it.

jaebeom chuckles because he had to pay for his own gift but he doesn't mind. yugyeom's heart is in the right place and he appreciates that yugyeom even thought of getting him a gift. besides, hybrids can't work so it wasn't as if yugyeom could buy it himself.

a few days later, jaebeom is, not very patiently, waiting for yugyeom to get comfortable around him. he knows it will take time but he wants yugyeom to be the clingy kitten hybrid that people online always talk about having.

that isn't to say yugyeom is sweet. he's obviously very thankful for jaebeom but he's also shy. he doesn't want to be annoying and be taken back to the center.

so it's almost two weeks after jaebeom adopted yugyeom that the hybrid, with his fave plushie in his grasp, waddles into jaebeom's office and asks if he can sleep in jaebeom's bed instead of his own.

"why don't we go to bed together? i just have to finish a few more things." jaebeom invites yugyeom to sit on his lap and soon, he has his pretty hybrid perched on his lap while he finishes his work.

yugyeom finds a way to curl up and falls asleep on jaebeom, his chin hooked on jaebeom's broad shoulder. his plushie is falling out of his arms but jaebeom makes sure to grab it as he starts to stand from his chair. he carried yugyeom to his bedroom, struggling as he had to carrie the plushie, as well, but he knew yugyeom needed it to sleep.

jaebeom smiles as he looks at yugyeom. the hybrid is so cute, almost too cute for jaebeom to handle. he can barley fathom the fact that he found one as amazing as yugyeom.

he pecks the kitten's forehead before finally decides to go to bed himself. he plans to take yugyeom to work with him the next day and let him lounge around in his office.

and he does and yugyeom loves it. many other people in jaebeom's office love yugyeom upon first sight and he thrives off the attention. jaebeom is a bit jealous at first but yugyeom always comes and shuffles over to jaebeom's desk and asks what he's doing when he gets bored or just wants to understand what jaebeom does.

yugyeom is curled up in the corner of the couch jaebeom has in his office when jaebeom begins to take a break for lunch. yugyeom is asleep so jaebeom just locks the door before he goes to get some food for them.

it only takes about 10 minutes but when he gets back, he finds a crying yugyeom on his floor. he's hiding so no one walking by would be able to see him bawling.

jaebeom immediately puts the food down and rushes to the kitten in efforts to calm him down.

"what's wrong, yuggie?"

"thought you were gone! couldn't get out!" yugyeom cries, the sound making jaebeom's heart break a little because he only ever wanted to hear or see yugyeom happy.

"i went to get food. i locked the door so no one would bother my sleepy kitty."

yugyeom sniffles before he's crying even harder because jaebeom cares about him. jaebeom was worried so he locked the door and that small action means the world to yugyeom.

from that moment, yugyeom is a stereotypical kitten hybrid. he curls up in jaebeom's lap any chance he gets. he purrs so loud when jaebeom pets him behind his ears. he asks to sleep in jaebeom's bed every night, either coming up with a new excuse or not saying a work to jaebeom as he curls up next to him and falls asleep. he claims jaebeom's blankets are better when, in reality, it's jaebeom that keeps him warm and comfortable.

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