punks : markgyeom

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based on punks by matt champion

"i don't trust that punk," yugyeom's dad says to his son after mark, yugyeom's "friend" leaves the house after a study session.

the next time they're together, yugyeom writes the word "punk" in large letters on mark's arm that is faded by the time mark visits yugyeom's house for another study session and eats dinner with his parents who don't know what their son is really like.

yugyeom isn't the good boy they think he is. he isn't just mark's tutor, he's much more than that but they'll never know. they hide it too well, even when they're reckless about it.

mark carves their names in a tree, putting a heart around it because he's cliche and it makes yugyeom smile.

anyone would know it's them. how many yugyeoms can there be in a small town? how many gay guys named yugyeom are there in the world, let alone in their town?

"my dad says your a punk," yugyeom says in a hushed voice even if it's unnecessary. no one is close enough to hear them if they yelled, let alone just spoke but when yugyeom's head is on mark's chest, he doesn't feel the need to talk any louder.

"maybe he's right." mark takes a drag of his cigarette and blows a bit of smoke in yugyeom's face before blowing the rest away from him. "your punk, though."

mark watches yugyeom put the joint he has just rolled up to his lips. he knows yugyeom doesn't smoke often but he also knows that yugyeom looks hot when he smokes. he didn't pressure yugyeom into it. it had yugyeom who offered they get high and mark had just offered they do it on the roof of his house.

yugyeom hands the joint to mark before he lays back and turns to look at his older boyfriend. his handsome, perfect boyfriend whom he'd never be allowed to date if they told anyone.

mark and yugyeom hide in the bathroom until they know they can leave the school. they don't run because that's more suspicious. they walk and leave the school before they're running to mark's car and leaving to do couple things where no one can find them. they don't want to be interrupted. they don't want to be found. they want to be with each other and no one else.

yugyeom loves kissing mark. he loved pecks and he loves making out. he's needy and mark loves it. he loves when yugyeom looks up at him with a cute expression that can turn into a smile with just a kiss on the lips.

yugyeom can never get enough. mark gives yugyeom a kiss every time the boy gets a question right while they study. mark doesn't study but he helps yugyeom, mainly to kiss his baby but that's another story.

yugyeom stares at the bruise on mark's neck and is proud to know that he put it there. it is a special occasion because mark is letting yugyeom cover his neck with as many hickies as the younger wanted and he has only just begun.

by the end, mark's neck is covered in bruises and yugyeom can't stop staring at his work. it's art on mark, who is already a masterpiece.

mark goes to the skatepark with the hickies showing, loud and proud. he is owned by his baby and everyone should know. no one can see the hickies that trail down his chest but he knows they're there and that's what matters.

"gonna run away together," mark says, his arm being used as a pillow by yugyeom who is playing on the ground right next to him, "don't have to hide us when we leave."

"don't leave without me."

yugyeom is younger than mark. he needs mark to stay until he graduates but he's scared mark won't wait. mark hates their town and can't wait to leave.

yugyeom doesn't know that mark loves him more than anything else. he should tell him.

"you smell so good," mark says when yugyeom sneaks up next to him. his eyes are still closed but he knows everything about yugyeom and knows it's him.

"just got off work," yugyeom informs. he's still in his uniform because he couldn't waste any time before he got to mark.

"still look so good," mark said, his eyes now open and looking his boyfriend up and down before he's grabbing the back of his neck and pulling yugyeom to give him a kiss.

mark wants yugyeom. he wants to taste the boy. his lips, his body, his everything. mark just wants a taste. and yugyeom is quick to comply.

mark hates where he is. but when yugyeom runs into his arms and gives him a tight hug, he knows he can deal with it. because he's still there for yugyeom and for them.

he feels numb when he's without yugyeom. he only cares about his boy and no one else in the god forsaken town he was born in. the only thing good about there. not the homophobic people that bully them, nor the racists that harass them.

yugyeom graduates in a day. he and mark are sitting in mark's apartment, staring out the window and talking. talking about how their life will change, for the better, when they leave and can be who they really are.

i respect 2 white men, matt champion and mark tuan

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