sugar daddy : jingyeom

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requested by Gotsevensbabybird

jinyoung holds yugyeom's hand as they walk around the mall, looking around for what yugyeom wants. yugyeom had requested to go shopping with jinyoung instead of just being paid and who was jinyoung to deny the cutest boy in the world of something so easy?

should jinyoung be in love with his sugar baby? no. is he? yes. but he can't help it. yugyeom is perfect in his eyes but they agreement was sugar daddy and sugar baby, even if their relationship had become so much more.

"jinyoungie hyung, can i get this bag?" yugyeom asks, tugging on his arm and holding up the bag he wants.

"of course, baby."

yugyeom knows he can get whatever he wants but he likes asking. and he wants jinyoung's opinion on things, sometimes.

"nyoungie hyung, what do you think of the bag?"

"it's cute, gyeom, i think it fits you." jinyoung just loves spending time with yugyeom, even if it means shopping for clothes that he doesn't personally like but loves to see on yugyeom. "i'm going to get something real quick, okay? stay here or text me if you go to another store."

yugyeom nods, still looking at a jacket, trying to see how it looks on him without trying it on. jinyoung kisses his cheek and let's go of his hand before leaving the store they're in.

yugyeom is like a lost puppy while he waits for jinyoung to get back. he isn't even getting anything from the store, he just wants a hand to hold, specifying jinyoung's hand.

jinyoung comes back with a bag in his hand but immediately hold the other one out for yugyeom to grab and hold.

"you don't want anything from here, baby?" jinyoung asks as they walk out. yugyeom shakes his head and lays it down on jinyoung's shoulder as they walk to get ice cream instead of shopping anymore.

"what did you get?" yugyeom asks, making a b-line straight for the rolled ice cream place.

"i'll show you later. it's a surprise."

jinyoung lets yugyeom choose the ice cream they get and isn't surprised when the by chooses strawberry but still asks for a choco shake, which jinyoung is happy to get him.

"nyoung, can i talk to you about something when we get back to your house."

"of course, gyeom. it everything okay?" yugyeom nods but doesn't take anything else, just takes another bite of ice cream from his spoon.

they don't do anymore shopping and just go straight to jinyoung's house. they sit on the couch because jinyoung can tell how nervous yugyeom is and he doesn't want to make the younger wait.

"what if we just... started dating. like normally? not sugar daddy or anything."

"yes," jinyoung says right away, smiling when he seems yugyeom relax and then get super confused. "i've thought about this a lot, baby. i really like you."

"so we're boyfriends now?" yugyeom asks hopefully as if it's even a question but jinyoung knows he always needs lots of reassurance.

"yes. now come here." jinyoung he reaches over and grabs the bag he had gotten with the surprise for yugyeom inside. "you don't have to wear it but i thought it'd be super cute on you."

jinyoung pulls out a white and purple skirt and holds it up for yugyeom to see. he doesn't expect yugyeom to pull it out of his hands and run out of the room with it, only to come back almost a minute later with the skirt on and his shirt off.

he walks over to jinyoung, a little self conscious but jinyoung always makes his feel so pretty. jinyoung pulls him into his lap and lays his hands on his bare thighs.

"how did i get such a pretty angel?" jinyoung asks, grabbing yugyeom's hands and playing with them in the younger's lap, "move in with me."

"okay. yes, please." yugyeom nods. he pushed back against jinyoung's chest shutters when jinyoung moves his hands up his thighs.

"your thighs are so soft, gyeomie. so pretty, all for me."

"for nyoung."

jinyoung noses at yugyeom's neck, placing a few kisses before pulling back and just wrapping his arms loosely around his waist.

i actually wanted to write this different but it didn't happen that way

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