ldr : markgyeom

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yugyeom and mark in a long distance relationship

they'd met completely randomly. yugyeom has just been online when he got a message from an account markyien telling him that he was cute.

yugyeom had immediately assumed it was some old man but was happily surprised when he actually saw a young, very attractive guy.

they started talking quickly. they got to know each other and wanted to talk all day, everyday.

the only problem: yugyeom lives in korea and mark lives in america. and the eight hour time difference make it difficult to talk sometimes.

yugyeom gets home after an awful day and just wants to talk to mark, who had become his official boyfriend a few weeks ago. but for mark, it's three in the morning, while it's only seven in the evening for yugyeom.

but mark always leaves his notifications on at night so that if yugyeom needs him, he can talk to him. and he knows it's yugyeom when he gets message, after message, after message.

he grabs his phone, seeing the texts from his boyfriend flood in and he wants nothing more than to be in korean with him instead of across the world.

instead of reply to the messages, mark facetime calls yugyeom instead. he knows it will make yugyeom feel better than just some texts.

"why are you awake?" yugyeom asks through tears that make mark's heart hurt. yugyeom accent mixed with the crying makes him a little hard to understand but mark understands him just fine.

"my baby needs me," mark says, wishing he could wipe the tears off yugyeom's face, "what's wrong, angel."

"just wanna be with you. wanna cuddle with you and hug you. today sucked." the pout on yugyeom's lips make mark want to kiss them and make yugyeom giggle, at least for a second.

"i'm sorry, baby. i wish i was there with you."

"and now i'm bothering you because it's like three in the morning for you!" yugyeom always makes himself more upset for thinking that he's bothering mark when, it's really the opposite. mark, at any point, will drop what he is doing to be with his boyfriend if he needs him.

"yugyeom, you never bother me. can you calm down for me, baby? tell me why today was so bad."

yugyeom sniffles and tries to calm down so he can talk to mark. he doesn't want to waste mark's time so he can't just sit around and cry.

"i woke up with a headache, and then my clothes were still wet. and my friend make fun of my hair and i got sad but he just made fun of me for being so sensitive. and i'm just really tired."

"baby, go take a bath. i'll stay on the phone with you while you're in there and then go to bed. i know it's only seven but i want you to get some sleep, okay?"

yugyeom nods and takes his phone to the bathroom. he sniffles a few more times but he's done crying.

"you're such a good boy, yugyeom." yugyeom is nearly purring at the praise from mark and mark can tell by the way yugyeom relaxes into the bubbles of his bath.

"are you tired, markie?"

"no," mark lies because he doesn't want yugyeom to feel bad because talking to his baby is all he needs to make him feel okay, "you look so cute, bubba."

yugyeom disagrees. his hair is pushed back and he has on no makeup but mark always makes him feel cute. even when yugyeom is asleep with drool falling from his mouth, mark screenshots it and and saves it to his ever growing folder of pictures of yugyeom.

every night, yugyeom and mark facetime all night long. mark falls asleep first and yugyeom does his own thing before going to bed. mark wakes up and is able to see his adorable boyfriend first thing in the morning.

mark wishes he could be with yugyeom. he wants to wash yugyeom's hair and massage his scalp, maybe put lotion on his long, pretty legs just to touch him.

mark is impulsive, so two months later, he quits his job and finds a plane ticket to seoul, south korea before even telling yugyeom because he just wants to be with him.

mark calls yugyeom when he knows the younger is at home, probably just watching a drama and hugging one of his moonmin plushies.

"hey, baby, guess what."

"hm?" yugyeom asks, still paying a bit more attention to his show that is close to the commercial break.

"i'll be in korea in a week."

"what? what do you mean?"

"i put in my two weeks notice and i bought a plane ticket to korea." mark smiles when yugyeom starts to tear up but in a good way.

"markie! oh my god! how long will you be here?" yugyeom is jumping up and down on his knees, hugging his moonmin close as if it's mark himself.

"however long you want me. i bought a one way ticket so i can stay as long as i want."

"stay forever," yugyeom whines and mark almost wants to start packing his things so he can move to korea.

"i wish i could, angel. soon, i promise."

yugyeom makes sure he gets mark's flight information so he can pick his boyfriend up from the airport. he doesn't care that it will be three in the morning because he'll be meeting mark in person.

it's like a dream when mark feels yugyeom in his arms. mark pulls back to hold yugyeom's face in his hands and pull him down to kiss his forehead because the younger is crying and doesn't want mark to see him. it's different now, yugyeom feels all sorts of self conscious now that mark can see all of him in real life.

he's especially bothered by how y'all he is compared to mark. but mark doesn't care and treats yugyeom like his baby despite yugyeom being a bit taller.

yugyeom takes mark to his apartment, giving him a "tour" of the studio apartment before letting him shower so they can go to bed.

yugyeom lays in his bed, waiting for mark to leave the bathroom. he can't believe he's about to cuddle with mark. his boyfriend who lives in la. but who loves him enough that he came to korea.

mark leaves the bathroom, only a pair of shorts on as he dries his hair with one of yugyeom's towels. he smiles widely when he sees yugyeom laying in bed, wearing a cute pajama set that mark had gotten to help pick out.

mark lays next to yugyeom and opens his arms, letting yugyeom shuffle closer to him and get in his arms.

"i cant believe this is real," mark admits, kissing the top of yugyeom's head.

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