nerd : jingyeom

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nerdy/awkward gyeom with popular nyoung based on this pic

jinyoung holds his baby's leg tight to him as they cuddle together. he holds yugyeom as close as he can, trying to keep the boy warm because the apartment is so cold as the weather gets chilly.

"baby, we should wake up," jinyoung says softly, knowing yugyeom is awake but the boy is almost impossible to get out of bed, even when he's awake, "we have school."

"i don't wanna go to school," yugyeom says in his cute whiney voice that jinyoung loves. he's almost tempted to go back to sleep and hug his baby all day, but he knows yugyeom will regret it in an hour.

"come on." jinyoung lugs yugyeom up and out of bed. "we can take a shower and get all warm and then get ready for school."

jinyoung gets yugyeom to the shower and they just stand in the warm water for a while before finally cleaning themselves. well, jinyoung cleans his baby's body because he never wants to stop touching him.

they have to rush to get dressed because jinyoung got a bit distracted kissing his baby boy and didn't want to get out of the shower.

they still have time to pick up breakfast because jinyoung's mom wasn't home and didn't make them breakfast. jinyoung always tells her that she doesn't have to but she loves seeing yugyeom smile when he eats.

"baby boy, can i have a kiss before we go inside?" yugyeom nods and complies after taking a drink of his hot chocolate that jinyoung bought him.

they go inside and yugyeom realizes what is happening. he's never held hands with jinyoung as they walk into school. in fact, they have always hidden their relationship. but jinyoung holds his hand tight and walks to his locker with him.

yugyeom being a sophomore and jinyoung a senior, their lockers actually aren't far from each other's so jinyoung has no problem picking his baby up at his locker after school and pulling him into the boy's bathroom to make out with him for a little bit before they leave school.

jinyoung wraps his arms around his baby's torso and holds him tight to him.

they leave the stall together and someone sees them but jinyoung doesn't care and just follows his baby out of the bathroom.

"do i have to take you back home?" jinyoung asks sadly as they walk out to his car.

"i miss my mommy," yugyeom admits softly, but he obviously will miss jinyoung too.

"aw, sweetie. i'll take you home. i'll pick you up for school, tomorrow, okay?" yugyeom nods but let's jinyoung softly pressed him against the car.

"nyoungie hyung, can you stay the night?" yugyeom asks softly because he really doesn't want to be without his boyfriend.

"will your mommy be okay with it?"

"my mommy loves you," yugyeom whines, not even realizing that jinyoung is joking, "please stay the night, hyung."

"of course, baby, now let's get in the car. it's cold." jinyoung opened the passenger side door for yugyeom to get in before going to the other side.

yugyeom stares at his boyfriend as he drives to his house. he can't be more excited to have a sleepover with his jinyoung hyung, even if they just had one last night.

"hyung, i love you," yugyeom says softy when jinyoung is stopping at a red light. jinyoung can't help but take the opportunity to lean over and kiss his baby boy, only to be honked at because the light turned green.

yugyeom giggles when jinyoung jumps up high because of the loud honk even though he jumped too.

"i love you, baby."

yugyeom pulls jinyoung to his room when they get to his house. his parents aren't home yet so he suggests that they kiss with the bedroom door open, which is a scandalous suggestion coming from yugyeom.

jinyoung pulls yugyeom into his lap and kisses his baby's neck, glad that yugyeom can be as loud as he wants since they're there alone. jinyoung swears that yugyeom has the prettiest whines in the world and loves to hear them.

yugyeom pulls away so he can kiss jinyoung properly and wraps his arms and legs around him. he pushes jinyoung to lay back into his bed but stays on top of him.

the moment they hear the front door open, yugyeom climbs off of his boyfriend's lap and sits beside him. jinyoung grabs a book from his bag and opens it to a random page. he holds it between himself and yugyeom so they look like they're reading together when yugyeom's mom walks into the room.

"what are you two reading?" she asks with a smile on her face because of how cute they are together.

"the little prince," jinyoung tells her, "i realized gyeomie has never read it and it's one of my favorite books so we decided to read it together."

"well, in an hour, we're going to go out to eat so make sure you're ready by then. keep on with your reading." she kisses the top of yugyeom's head before going to leave the room.

she closes the door on her way out and yugyeom is curling up closer to his boyfriend because of how cold the room is.

jinyoung is treated as if him and yugyeom have been married for years by yugyeom's family, just like how jinyoung's family loves yugyeom.

for dinner, the four of them go out and yugyeom loves it. he loves his family so much and of course he loves jinyoung more than anything so spending time with all of them makes him so happy.

"can jinyoungie hyung stay the night?" yugyeom asks on the way home. he always asks even though his parents always say yes.

and they say yes this time too. when they get home, they all watch a movie together before yugyeom and jinyoung go up to the younger boy's room. yugyeom is getting sleepy and jut wants to cuddle and jinyount can't deny him of that.

"i love you, baby."

"i love you," yugyeom says softly. his head is on jinyoung's chest and he's close to falling asleep, knowing jinyoung will be on his phone for at least another hour because he can never fall asleep as early as yugyeom.

"goodnight, my beautiful boy."

"nigh-nigh, hyungie."

this didn't turn out the way i wanted it to but :/

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2020 ⏰

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