baby : yugmarkjin

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jinyoung is very obviously not in a good mood when he storms into the house and throws his bag down.

"where is the baby?" he asks because he only sees mark sitting on the couch, their baby boy no where in sight.

"taking a nap," mark says, chuckling as he knows what's going to happen. jinyoung will go in there, yugyeom will be sleepy but still wake up and get super excited to see his nyoungie hyung.

jinyoung goes up to their room the moment he gets his shoes off and sees yugyeom asleep under a bunch of blankets, for good reason because their room is always the coldest in the house.

jinyoung doesn't want to wake yugyeom up, but all the movement as he lays on the bed wakes him up anyway.

"why you look so sad, nyoungie hyung?" yugyeom asks. he moves closer to wrap his arms around jinyoung in hopes to make him a little happier.

"just had a bad day, baby. just want to be with you." jinyoung turns to face yugyeom and receives plenty of kisses all over his face. jinyoung smiles and runs his hand through yugyeom's hair when the younger pulls back only to lay his head against the elder's neck

jinyoung sighs fondly. "i have the best baby in the world. he's so good to me."

"i love hyung," yugyeom says. he hates when his boyfriends are in a bad mood and he really just wants them to be happy.

"i love you, too, baby."

"wanna take a nap? we can take one with markie hyung."

"i'll go take a shower first. so you get mark hyung to bed, okay? then i can cuddle with my baby and we can all take a nap."

when jinyoung gets out of the shower, yugyeom is laying in the middle of the bed with mark on his left, making it easy for jinyoung to lay down.

jinyoung takes of his towel and climbs into bed next to his baby who clings to jinyoung's warm, freshly clean body.

yugyeom gives jinyoung a big kiss on his cheek and nuzzles close in efforts to relax his boyfriend. he can feel jinyoung relax in his arms and she's glad. he just wants jinyoung to be happy.

"i love you, gyeomie. i love you, mark hyung." jinyoung reaches his hand over yugyeom to hold mark's for a second before he they let go and jinyoung caresses yugyeom's cheek.

"i love you, hyungs."

"i love you, babies," mark says, his leg wrapped around one of yugyeom's.

they all take a nap, yugyeom waking up last but his boyfriends don't leave room or even the bed so they don't wake him up and can spent time with him.

"hi, baby," mark says softly when yugyeom wakes up and looks at him with his puppy dog eyes.

"markie hyung," yugyeom whines cutely. he turns around and hugs his jinyoung hyung. "do you feel better?"

"i do, puppy, thank you."

"i love you, nyoungie hyung." yugyeom shoves his nose into jinyoung's neck but makes up for it by peppering kisses all over it.

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