The Final Battle

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The next morning Aaron was still asleep while Aphmau did what she had promised and told Ally everything. Then Aphmau went back to her room. Aaron was laying in bed awake but he still looked exhausted. 

"Good morning, Aaron. Did you not sleep well?" Aphmau asked walking over and hugging him.

"No, before we fell asleep last night I was thinking about the fact that you were struggling to keep him away from you for who knows how long and it made it hard for me to sleep last night," Aaron replied kissing Aphmau on the cheek. Aphmau climbed back into bed with him and they cuddled until Ally walked in.

"Aphmau," Ally said, "Dad wants to talk to you. Like right now." Eric stood behind Ally looking very angry. Aaron tried to get up but ended up falling out of bed. Aphmau giggled. 

"Are you having a romantic relationship with Aaron?!" Eric said angrily. 

"Er, no," Aphmau replied panicking. Eric went over to Aaron and picked him up. Then he threw Aaron at a wall causing Aaron to go unconscious.

As I'm writing this I've realized Aaron is just getting abused. I need to chill. XD

"Leave him alone! It's my fault I fell for him," Aphmau yelled at Eric. 

"Get rid of both of them!" Eric yelled at the guards. Then Sylvannah came in.

"Wait," She said, "Eric, you can't kick them out! They belong together. I can feel Irene telling me that."

"What do we do with them, Your Majesty?" One of the guards asked.

Eric sighed, "Release them I guess." The guards let go of Aphmau and put Aaron down. Aphmau ran to Aaron.

"Are you ok, Aaron?" She asked. There was no response. His eyes were shut.

"Aaron! Please wake up! I need you!" She cried. Just then Zane appeared.

"Guards, get him!" Sylvannah yelled. Zane went towards Aphmau who was in no emotional or physical state to fight. Then Ein and a small bit of his army also appeared. Aaron opened his eyes and saw what was going on. He pulled Aphmau onto his chest and held her tight.

"Aw, how cute. He thinks he can protect her," Ein said laughing evilly. 

"Aaron, let go of me. I need to fight," She said gently to Aaron. He reluctantly let go of her and she jumped up and grabbed her sword.

"Bow down and we'll let you go," Zane said with an evil look on his face.

"I won't bow to you until the day I die," Aphmau yelled attempting to strike him down but he blocked it. They were all teleported to a field not far from their castle. Her guards ran to help Aphmau fight. After taking a couple minor hits Aphmau was able to kill Zane and she realized there wasn't much life in the field. Some of her guards, Ein, his small army, and Zane were all dead. They all walked back to the castle and sent people to clean up the bodies. Then Aaron was taken to his room. Aphmau would check on him every hour until he got better. When he got better he asked Eric for his blessing.

"Yes," Eric said, "Only if you promise to take care of her."

"I will take care of her till the day I die," Aaron replied. After that he went to Aphmau and proposed. She said yes and they got married. They dealt with wars, drama, and had kids. But that's a story for another time.

                     The End

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