Chapter 5

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Mal and the rest of the gang came riding in on their motorcycles, coming to a stop once they reached the edge of the land, leading out to the water and the Isle on the other side. 

"Noble steed, proud and fair, you shall take us anywhere" Mal recited one of her spells before the gang took off again. 

The gang was soon riding across on top of the water on their bikes. 

"Guys, you're gonna miss Jane's birthday!" Dude called out to them, staying behind.

But the gang was already gone, heading off to the Isle.  

Cynthia and the mane six would be staying behind, keeping an eye on things until the gang would return. 

David bid his love farewell, trying to sound like some kind of prince while Cynthia just rolled her eyes in annoyance and embarrassment. Even though they had been dating for awhile now, they sure had the weirdest ways of showing their affection towards each other. 

As the gang was heading towards the Isle they briefly bumped into Moana's daughter Malia, informing them she had been patrolling the sea day and night but she still didn't see any sign of Uma. 

Kali and the others thanked her before they continued on their way.  

Meanwhile, back in Auradon~

Elsa was with Anna and the others in one of the castle's office rooms, talking a bit about Ari becoming queen. 

Now Elsa was indeed confident that Ari would be a great queen, but she was also actually a little nervous if her niece was really ready to take on the responsibility of ruling Arendelle like she did herself long ago. 

"She can't be ready. She's still a kid" The ice queen thought. 

"She's sixteen, Elsa" Anna giggled a little, reminding her sister. 

"It's just... I don't want to pressure her" Elsa said. "It's a huge responsibility. Do you really think she's ready?" she then asked her family. 

"Oh, yes. Definitely" Kristoff nodded, before mentioning. "Mal's going to become queen of Auradon too. Think about it, they're already great friends, which means they'll be great allies, and together both our kingdoms will become stronger"

"What did you tell her?" Anna then asked her sister what she'd told Ari about becoming queen. 

"I just told her not to worry and that I'd always be there to help her" Elsa replied. 

"See?" Anna smiled to her sister. "That's exactly what I would've told her"

Elsa smiled back at her sister, always being glad to have her by her side. 

"Well, we better get going" Anna said, mentioning that she and the rest of the family were going to Jane's birthday party. "You want to come?" she then asked her sister. 

"Oh, I'll catch up with you guys later" Elsa replied, saying how she still had to discuss a few things with Belle and Adam. She had always been such a good ally to them and their family. 

"Yay! A party!" Olaf cheered. "That means there's going to be cake!"

Sven grunted in agreement with the bubbly little snowman.  

Anna and the others soon left to head to Jane's birthday party while Elsa stayed behind to do some queenly business with Belle and Adam. Not knowing about the danger that awaited them...

Everyone else in Auradon had all gathered at Jane's birthday party to celebrate. Even the ponies came, being interested. Plus it was pretty obvious since Pinkie Pie loved parties. 

Chad was there, being the snob he was, annoying Jane before she tricked him into leaving by saying there were some people taking selfies. 

Audrey soon appeared to the mane six's shock. They hid behind a tree, knowing they couldn't risk getting caught and watched Audrey from behind the safety of the tree, back far enough where she couldn't see them. 

Audrey made her way down, walking around through the party while some of the guests looked oddly at her new appearance. 

"Did anybody save me any guacamole? No?" She then asked the guests while they continued staring at her in confusion and a bit of fear. "It's like someone forgot to invite me. Well, don't be expecting Mal, she's... not feeling herself" 

"Mindless little drones!" Audrey soon growled to everyone. "How could you forget what she did to us?"

"How could you forget that I was supposed to be your Queen?!" She yelled in outburst. 

Chad then came rushing over in an attempt to calm Audrey down. He asked her, before whatever it was she was going to do if she needed a loyal boyfriend by her side? Sidekick? Partner in crime? Or even just a lackey to do her bidding. Change tires, smoothie runs, etc. 

"You can be useful" Audrey soon decided. "Stand behind me" She told Chad, which he did. 

The little ponies prepared themselves while they watched from behind the tree. 

"Auradon likes to forget so much. They'll love this" Audrey smirked. 

Audrey then started singing the happy birthday song while casting a sleeping spell, making everyone around her fall asleep. 

"Oh no..." Twilight and the mane six whispered while they watched in fear. But there was nothing they could do to stop this. 

"Sweet dreams~" Audrey smirked to all her sleeping victims, before she disappeared with Chad in a puff of pink smoke. 

With Jane's quick thinking, she dove into the Enchanted Lake and hid underwater to avoid the pink fog until it lifted.

Meanwhile, Ben was in his office just getting ready to leave and head to the party. He then heard his cellphone ring and took it out of his pocket, looking to see he was getting a call. 

"Hey, Jane" He answered. "I'm on my way to the party. My meetings ran long"

"No, no. Stay where you are, Ben" Jane warned him. "Audrey's got the scepter and everyone's asleep. I'm gonna call Mom and tell her to get her wand". She then hung up. 

"Is Mal with you? Jane?... Jane?!" Ben asked. But there was no response...

"Look's like Cynthia's missing out again" The narrator implied to the readers. 

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