Chapter 8

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Once the gang arrived back at Auradon, they were surprised to find everyone asleep. 

"They're asleep" Ari said.

"Everyone" Ciara frowned. 

Carlos came up to his girlfriend's side and placed his hand over her shoulder to comfort her. 

Mal soon sighed after checking her phone. "I can't get Ben"

"Or Dizzy or Doug" Evie added, checking her phone. 

"The signal's out" Brock said. 

"This is not good" Ann frowned. 

"Is that Auradon Prep?" Celia soon asked the others, pointing out to the school up ahead. 

"Yeah" Ciara beamed at her sister. 

"And when everybody wakes up, you're going to love it" Carlos told Celia. 

The adventure kids watched in awkwardness as Gil explored around, finding all the planets and flowers very interesting and eating all of the fruit. The adventure kids then remembered how the other VKs had been trapped on the isle their whole lives and didn't have any fresh fruit, or never got to experience the outside world. The adventuring adults frowned, feeling a bit sorry for them. 

Jay and Harry got into a fight as usual, until Mal and Uma both got their guys back in line. 

"Alright, everyone" Kali started, leading the gang. "We better start searching for Audrey if we're going to stop this"

Everyone agreed and they started walking, heading closer towards the school when...

"Hey, guys?... you all gotta come see this" Freddie said, finding something surprising. 

The rest of the gang turned in the direction where Freddie was and looked just as surprised to find Cynthia and Ari's family asleep. 

"Oh, my gosh!" The long-time adventure kids gasped, looking to their sleeping friends in surprise. 

"Cynthia, my love!" David cried, rushing over and kneeled down in front of the young fashionista woman on the grass. 

David tried giving Cynthia the true loves kiss, but surprisingly it didn't work. 

"Huh? I really thought that would work" David said, after kissing Cynthia had failed for him. 

"Figures" The twins rolled their eyes. 

It was indeed a true fact Cynthia was always the one in the gang who got all the bad karma. 

Ari slowly came up to her parents, her younger siblings, and Sven, who were all asleep on a bench. 

"Mom?... Dad?..." Ari said, hoping to get a response from them. But they obviously didn't wake up. 

Ari shed a single tear that escaped from her eye. Her family was the most important thing to her. And the thought she could always protect them proved her wrong today. 

Ari's eyes began to glow red and sparks started to burst out around her in anger over what Audrey had done to her family and everyone in Auradon. 

"She's going to pay for this!" The young fiery princess growled, clenching her fist while her eyes glowed red. 

The adventure kids and Mal calmed Ari down, promising they'd wake them up and change everything back. But right now they had to focus on figuring where Audrey was to find her. 

Just then, the gang found a familiar dog, ponies, and snowman. 

"Dude" Carlos smiled, finding his dog. 

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