Chapter 10

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The boys had been out searching in the forest for awhile now. 

"Ben!" they kept calling out. 

"Hey, you know what would be fun?" Gil soon asked the others. "To go rafting on a jungle river, find a lost civilization. Oh! And maybe a penguin"

Harry groaned at Gil, being annoyed by his dumb friend. "You're killing me!"

"Man, Olaf would love that" Gil then mentioned, having gotten along pretty well with the snowman. Olaf had even told him about his song with everything making sense when you're older. 

This made the others eyes widened as they immediately turned around to see that Olaf wasn't with them. 

"Wait! Where is Olaf?" Brock asked, worry in his voice as the snowman had disappeared. 

"Harry..." Brock and David both glared toward the pirate boy. 

"What? I didn't do anything to him, I swear" Harry defended, for once telling the truth. 

"Olaf? Olaf!" Brock, David and the others began calling out to the snowman, trying to find him. 

"Boy, something stinks" Dude commented. "And it wasn't me this time" 

Suddenly from out of nowhere, this strange monster jumped out from the trees. It looked like some sort of beast, like when Prince Adam was cursed. 

The beast roared at the gang. Dude screamed along with Rarity and ran away. 

"Watch out!" David warned as the beast swiped its sharp claws at the boys, attacking them. 

The boys dodged the attacks until they got a good look at the beast and recognized him. 

"Ben?" Brock asked, squinting his eyes at the beast. 

"Did Audrey do that?" David asked. 

"Huh! I thought I recognized those pants" Jay commented. 

Gil soon noticed how Ben was clutching onto his paw.  

"Oh, he's got a boo-boo. That's why he's so cranky" Gil realized, then commented. "You know, my dad said that his dad did not handle pain well at all"

Ben seemed to growl at Gil. 

"Oh man, now I'm starting to wish that Fluttershy were here" Rainbow Dash said to the others. 

"You're good with animals" Jay said to Carlos. "Do something"

"What?!" Carlos was nervous at first but soon agreed to do this. "Okay..."

Carlos slowly started approaching Ben, coming up to him. 

"Hey, Ben" Carlos said, being cautious. "It's me, Carlos"

Ben nearly ripped Carlos's face off as he swiped his claws at him, just missing. The others looked worried for Carlos. 

"Ben! It's Carlos, all right?" Carlos said, trying to calm Ben down. "You know me. You helped me once. Remember, with Dude? Let me help you. Come on. Let me see your hand"

Ben seemed to calm down before he held out his paw to Carlos. 

"Attaboy. Beast... King... Whatever" Carlos told Ben, then having a look at his paw. 

"Oh, yeah. That's a big one" He said, seeing a thorn stuck in Ben's paw. "Uh... I'm gonna count, all right? One... Two..."

Carlos then pulled the thorn out while Ben roared out in pain and relief.

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