Chapter 13

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Later, everyone had gathered outside by the barrier between Auradon and the Isle, waiting for the ceremony to begin. 

The mane six were even there before they'd head home back to Equestria. 

All everyone needed now were the king and his queen.

Ari was also waiting in the back with her family, before she was about to go out and be coronated as the new queen of Arendelle. 

But boy, the young fiery princess had never felt more nervous then she did right now. 

Elsa was standing nearby, a few feet away as she watched her niece beginning to freak out. 

"I don't know about this..." Ari said, pacing nervously. "I can't do this!"

"Ari, sweetie, listen to me, this is normal" Elsa told her niece calmly. "I was nervous too when I became queen"

Ari just looked up to her aunt. She felt she could no longer hide her true feelings from taking this huge responsibility... Not even to her aunt. 

"It is time for you to take charge" Elsa soon told her niece with confidence. 

"But what if they don't like my ideas?" Ari asked, referring to everybody else as she was filled with doubt.  

"What if they don't like... me?" Ari then asked, questioning one more time to her aunt if she was truly ready to become queen. 

"That's one of the hardest things about being a leader" Elsa admitted to her niece with a slight sigh and frown. "You have to make what you think is the best decision. Not what everyone else thinks..." 

Ari thought about this long and hard. She had gone through many stages and on many paths on her journey in life. First a young princess discovering her fire powers, then a protector of the Enchanted Forest, and now the queen of Arendelle. 

Ari was soon brought back into reality as she felt a hand placed on her shoulder and looked up to see her aunt looking at her with trusting eyes and said to her...

"But I know you'll decide what you think is best..."

Ari smiled to her aunt, but she still wasn't sure what she was going to do...

"Now come on," Elsa soon took her niece's hand in her own, telling her. "Everyone is waiting"

Ari soon walked out with Elsa to present herself to the awaiting crowd, along with Mal and Ben who soon followed after them. 

"There they are" Evie smiled once she saw them come out. 

Everyone cheered, seeing their king, his queen, and the new queen of Arendelle. 

Ari turned towards the adventure kids as she walked past them, who all greeted her by bowing. 

Ari chuckled a little to them. "You guys, that's really not necessary" 

"Better get used to it" Brock replied. 

"Yeah, after this everyone's going to be bowing before you and calling you 'Your Majesty'" David told her. 

Ari then came up to the top of the balcony where her family and all the other dignitaries of Auradon were. Anna and Kristoff smiled proudly and were a bit tearful as they watched their daughter about to become queen. 

Everyone cheered for Ari and Mal as they both were going to be named queens of their own kingdoms and work alongside each other together. 

"My sister is a queen!" Ari's little brother Christopher cheered. 

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