Chapter 6

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Meanwhile, with the adventure kids~

The gang had finally arrived on the Isle and came riding in through town, stopping in the back of an alleyway. 

"We made it" Brock and David said, taking off their helmets. 

"I thought we never would" Teeders said, starting to sound like Cynthia. Considering all the near death experiences the adventure kids have had through the years. 

The gang always acted like Cynthia whenever she didn't go on missions with them just to make fun of her. 

"As my aunt would always say..." Ari started. 

"Just let it go~" The adventure kids and Ari all started singing, then laughed. 

"Okay, guys, could you just stop, please?" Ann asked the gang, being annoyed with the song as she took a turn over Cynthia's role. 

Mal got off her bike and soon realized something. 

"Hey. I'm me again" She said while touching around her face, realizing she was no longer an old lady. 

"Duh. Evil magic doesn't work here" Celia reminded, rolling her eyes. 

"Kind of the point" Freddie added. 

"Oh, yeah" The purple haired girl then remembered. 

"Welcome back" Evie told her best friend in relief. 

The Facilier sisters soon went down the ally to where their place was while the rest of the gang followed them. The three Facilier sisters gave a secret code knock on the door until after a few knocks the door finally opened and the gang entered. 

When they came inside, they looked around with interest to see that the Facilier sisters's home had been turned into an arcade by their father. 

"Wow. Interesting place" David commented, while he, Ari and the other adventure kids explored around the arcade, confused how it was not at all scary or evil looking. 

The Facilier sisters soon smiled, spotting their dad. 

"Daddy!" Celia beamed, running over to her father. 

"Hey, there they are!" Dr Facilier smiled once he saw his three daughters. 

"Hey, Dad" Freddie greeted with a simply wave. 

"What's up, Old Dog?" Ciara asked, calling her father by his little nickname she had given him. 

"Ah, Ciara!" Dr Facilier smiled to his oldest, not having seen her in awhile. 

The Faciliers all hugged each other as they were so happy to be reunited and soon all started dancing together. 

The adventure kids didn't really know what to think as they watched Dr Facilier dancing with his daughters. They did their best to keep their distance from him though for obvious reasons. 

"I guess not all villains hate their kids" Ann commented, seeing how Dr Facilier was with his daughters. 

"I have to agree with you" Teeders added. 

"And not everyone's their parents" Kali told them, referring to how most of the VKs turned out to be nice people, unlike their parents. 

Dr Facilier hugged his daughters, being so happy to see them again. And once Ciara told him she and Carlos were dating now he became a bit protective first, but not like one of those threatening dad types. 

"So, what kind of hustle you got going on with them shiny people?" He soon asked his daughters, referring to the people of Auradon. 

"No hustle" Celia replied innocently. 

"We got friends on the other side" Freddie added.

"Ah! I hear you" Dr Facilier smiled proudly to his daughters. 

"We're on a mission" Ciara soon informed her father. 

"Super important. The fate of the world depends on it" Freddie added casually. 

"We're kind of some major players, so that's why we can't stay long" Celia said to her dad, while grabbing a special key. 

"You make sure you all get your cut" Dr Facilier then told his daughters. The Facilier sisters all smiled and nodded to their father.

Carlos and a few of the adventure kids came over to what looked like a TV and put a token in it to watch what was on, and to their surprise, it showed the news on what was currently happening back in Auradon. 

"Alerts of the sleeping spell keep coming in as it spreads throughout Auradon" A male news reporter announced on the TV.

"Uh, guys" Carlos spoke up to the gang. "Come look at this"

Everyone then gathered around the TV to see what was up. 

"What's going on?" Ari asked, coming over. 

"There are rumors that Sleeping Beauty's daughter, Audrey, is behind the spell. We're trying to discover who is responsible for these vicious lies, and which villain has perpetrated this evil" The news reporter continued.  

"Does that answer your question?" David said to the fiery princess while watching the TV. 

"We have an update" The news reporter then informed while broadcasting, before soon sounding panicked. "It's what? It's moving this way? It's moving this way!" 

The gang all gasped with wide eyes as they watched the disaster unfold on the TV screen....

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