Chapter 9

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The gang had split up into two groups. The boys, along with Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Olaf, and Dude had gone out to search for Ben. While the girls, plus Twilight, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy had gone to the dorms to try and find Audrey. 

The girls were soon gathered in Audrey's dorm, making themselves at home. Mal, Evie, Kali, Teeders, and Twilight then entered the room, having just come back from their search. 

"She's nowhere on campus" Evie told the others. 

Everyone sighed as they were back to square one. 

Uma was laying on Audrey's bed. "Found her diary. And dang, did you ruin Audrey's life" she smirked at Mal.

Mal just rolled her eyes. "Okay. So did you find anything in there that we don't already know?" she asked. 

"Or are you just dozing there instead of helping?" Ann had her hands placed on her hips, giving Uma a scolding look. 

"She hangs out at Fairy Cottage" Uma informed, before poking fun at Mal again. "You know, where Flora, Fauna and Merryweather hid her mom from your mom"

"Yes, ha, ha, ha, the irony is not lost on me" Mal told her. 

"Okay, would you two please stop?!" Ari asked, getting annoyed with the two VKs' constant bickering. 

Kali then gasped, having an idea. "You know, I'll bet if Audrey isn't here, she has to be at the Fairy Cottage, right?" she asked the others. 

Teeders soon smiled to her friend, realizing. "You're right! All we have to do is wait for the boys to return, go to Fairy Cottage and then we'll find Audrey!" she explained. 

"Yeah! And we could totally take her by surprise!" Ann added.

"Except for one problem," Elsa said. "None of us know where it is"

"Ben might..." Ari spoke up to her aunt. 

The girls then fell silent and frowned, Mal the most, hoping the boys would find Ben soon. 

"How could anyone with this bed ever be unhappy?" Uma then asked, laying back down on Audrey's bed. 

"I second that" Freddie agreed sitting on the end of the bed, finding it to be very comfortable.

Celia was rummaging through some dresser drawers, having tried on some of Audrey's jewelry. 

"Okay. How do I look?" she asked the others.

"Okay, the bling stays here" Evie told her. 

"But she's bad" Celia protested. 

"And we're not" Ciara reminded her little sister. 

"That's right" Kali explained. "Just because bad people are mean to us doesn't mean we should be mean back at them"

"It would only make us villains too" Ari mentioned. 

Elsa smiled proudly at her niece. She was going to make a great ruler real soon. 

"Okay, guys. We should probably head back to Evie's place" Kali told the gang, since there was nothing left here for them. 

"But shouldn't we wait for the boys?" Teeders asked. 

"They're meeting us there, remember?" Kali reminded her friend. 

"Now come on" the adventuresome tomboy told the girls, leading them out of the dorm like the leader she was. 

"I sure hope the boys are okay..." Ann sighed quietly to herself. 

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