Chapter 7

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The gang left the arcade, knowing they had to get Hades' ember then get back to Auradon as quickly as possible. 

"Wow! Rookie mistake" Carlos deadpanned, referring to them leaving Auardon unprotected. 

"You don't say" Brock pointed out, as the gang looked to see their motorbikes about to be stolen by a familiar group of hoodlums. 

"Long time nay see~" Harry smirked with his sisters, Harriet and CJ, and Gil. 

"Get off my bike, Hook!" Jay glared, running towards the pirate boy. 

"Catch us if you can, Jay!" Harriet and CJ mocked before they took off on the motorbikes, along with the rest of their pirate gang. 

"Dirty rotten thieves!" Ari glared at Harry, Gil and the rest of their pirate gang, wanting to teach them a lesson. 

"Over the roofs!" Jay quickly suggested to his friends.  

"Cut'em off!" Carlos agreed, getting what Jay was going for. 

"Yup" Evie, Ciara and Freddie all nodded. 

"Ari, you're with us" Jay said, knowing her powers would become useful to stopping those pirate thugs. 

The fiery princess nodded firmly in agreement, going with them. 

"Guys, go with them" Kali told her gang, knowing they were going to need backup. 

The gang then quickly went off to chase down Harry and his goons. Celia wanted to join them, but Mal, Teeders and Kali stopped her.

"Hey, hey, hey, not you" Mal told Celia. 

"They got this" Kali added. 

Then Mal reminded the younger girl. "We gotta go find the ember"

"Good timing," Celia replied. "It's right about his nap time"

Mal and the others followed Celia, heading for Hades's hideout when they soon arrived outside. Celia took out the key she had gotten from her dad's place and unlocked the door. 

"Hey. How big is that dog?" Teeders asked her, seeing a sign that said 'Beware of dog'. 

Celia glanced at the sign before telling them. "You'll see..."

They soon entered the lair while Celia whispered to them. "Okay, stay quiet. It echoes like crazy in here"

Mal, Kali and Teeders followed Celia inside, when they suddenly heard loud barking which startled them all. 

Once they entered, Celia put on a mining hat and turned on the light. She then gave some more mining hats to the others. They then got in a cart and rode down the tunnel, taking them further down into Hades' lair. 

Once they finally got down there, they followed Celia and soon found the Lord of the Underworld asleep in his chair. 

Kali and Teeders both gazed at Hades curiously, knowing the last time they saw him was when they helped Hercules defeat him. 

Mal then spotted the ember right next to Hades on a small table. She snuck around to get it while the girls were extremely careful not to wake him up. 

They then heard the dog barking again, but looked to realize it was just a record in replay with dog sound effects. They all rolled their eyes in annoyance while Celia went to turn it off. 

"What are you doing here?" Hades asked, while Mal, Kali and Teeders freezed as he had been woken up. 

"I noticed you were low on canned corn" Celia said innocently to Hades before tossing him a can. 

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