Chapter 11

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"No..." Mal cried, seeing all her friends turned to stone. 

Mal hung her head, feeling heartbroken. This was her fault. 

Mal soon began singing to herself in sorrow, expressing the course of her story and where she has come, as well as where she hoped to be by the end of her journey. She related herself to her parents while simultaneously coming to terms with this being her story and her life being affected by her own choices and not theirs. 

Mal soon realized she needed help and went to go find Uma. 

"Uma! Uma, stop! Please, stop!" Mal called out, finding Uma with Harry in front of the castle. 

"I need your help" Mal said, stopping the sea witch girl. "We have a chance if we do this together"

"Your friends kick you to the curb?" Uma scoffed at Mal. "Good"

"Ben saw something in you. And today, I saw it too" Mal told Uma. "You care. Uma, you care about everybody. And Auradon is worth saving"

"Help us, please" she begged. 

Harry stepped forward, telling the purple haired girl. "You talk pretty, but she's already made up her mind"

"You brought this on yourself, Mal" Uma told Mal. "You figure out how to fix it"

"Let's go" Uma then told Harry and they walked off. 

Mal frowned as she watched Uma and Harry leave, but soon continued singing. 

"Life is not a storybook, but life unfolds in chapters. Turn the page, and start to make amends. There's no pre-written guarantee of happily ever after. Step into your greatness, before your story ends. So when your story ends, they'll say! Once upon a time, a girl flew higher! Once upon a time, she made things right! Once upon a tie that binds, she changed her heart to change their minds! That's got to be my once upon a time! This once upon a time!~"

"Will finally see my once upon a time! This time!~" Mal finished singing, knowing what she had to do to set things right. 

When suddenly...

"Help me, Mal!" Celia's voice called out in distress, when bolts of lightning suddenly flashed through the sky. 

"Yeah, save your little friend, Mal!" Audrey's voice called in mockery. 

"Celia!" Ciara and Freddie's voices both cried out in panic. 

Mal then turned, spotting Ciara and Freddie and rushed over to them. 

"Ciara! Freddie! What happened?" Mal asked the Facilier sisters. 

Ciara and Freddie explained after Mal had lied to them they went off to clear their heads when they got separated from Celia and Audrey captured her. Now Celia was in desperate need of help. 

"Mal, you need to get us up there!" Ciara told the purple haired girl desperately. 

Mal firmly nodded and soon transformed into her dragon form. Ciara and Freddie then climbed on Mal's back and they flew into the sky. 

Audrey was up on the balcony, laughing evilly while Celia was crouched away in the corner in fear. 

Mal soon shot a fireball at Audrey, only for it to be deflected by the scepter. 

"Help me, Mal! Ciara! Freddie!" Celia cried fearfully, before Audrey grabbed her in a headlock. 

"Careful not to fry your little V.K. buddy" Audrey smirked at Mal and the two Faciler sisters fiendishly. 

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