On the Island

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In this rp, some of us were captured by peacekeepers and were being carried away in a hovercaft, but it crashed. We survived, some of us with a few injuries, and we landed on a stranded island.


Gracie: Should we continue with the island rp? because I'm really bored. 18:17

Talia: Yeahhh! 18:17

Gracie: Let's do it then! I'll get Chris on. 18:18

Chris joined the chat  18:18

David joined the chat 18:19

Gracie: How should we start? Us just chilling around the island? Or should we actually be doing something like hunting? 18:19

Jack joined the chat  18:19

Talia: Wanna start where we left off yesterday? 18:20

Gracie: Sure! 18:21

Ryn joined the chat  18:22

Gracie: Where exactly did we leave off again? lol 18:23

Talia: We’re gunna come back with the fish. Or I was at least 18:24

Gracie: Right. I remember now. 18:24

David: I think Gracie should stay in the ocean some more :D18:24

Gracie: lol I think David should join me! :P18:25

Talia gags 18:25

David: hehehehehehehhe ;) 18:25

Chris: Talia, if it were you and me you wouldn't be gagging. lol 18:25

Talia: True 18:26

Chris: lol Okay, let's start. 18:26

Chris: -----------------start----------------------- 18:26

Talia: Ok let's start!!! 18:26

Talia: (nvm...) 18:26

Gracie: (lol) 18:26

Talia (hides her face in shame... Lol) 18:26

Chris: (It's okay, Talia. I type fast. Remember RR has a problem with me doing that all the time? lol) 18:27

Gracie wades deeper into the water. 18:27

Chris is pretty much done making the shelter and cracks open a coconut. 18:27

David: (yeah he's freaking attacking the keyboard like it's pissed him off or something) 18:27

Talia gets to shore and rewraps her gash with the cloth she cut from her shirt 18:28

Chris waves Talia over. 18:28

Jack is off in the woods being cutesy and nervous gathering wood with Chase 18:29

Talia grabs the fish and glances at Chris 18:29

Talia walks over 18:29

Chris holds out some coconut. 18:29

Chris: Want some? 18:29

David is now up and trying to help RR and Ryn build the shelter 18:30

RR is tired and just wants to go make out with Ryn somewhere 18:30

Talia puts the fish down and sits next to Chris, taking the coconut "Thanks"   18:30

Ryn smiles at RR and wipes some sweat off her forehead with his thumb. 18:31

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