Meeting the Villain Kids//Chapter 1

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Before you get to meet the five villain kids let's see what's going on in the Beast's Castle.

"Sleeve. Head" the tailor says speaking to Ben who's looking out the window at The Isle.

"How is it possible that you're going to be crowned king next month. You're just a baby" The king says kicking Ben from the thoughts he was having.

"He's turning 16 dear" Belle says with a little laugh.

"Hey pops" Ben says

"16 is way to young to be crowned king, I didn't make a good decision until I was at least 42" The King spoke with a thoughtful look. Belle on the other hand had an offended look as she spoke.

"You decided to marry me at 28"

"Well it was either you or the teapot" the King said smugly with a wink toward his son. "Kidding" Beast said as Ben just laughed.

"Mom, dad, I've chosen my first official proclamation. I've decided that the children on The Isle of the Lost be given a chance to live here in Auradon" Beast and Belle looked shocked at the news.

"Everytime I look out there at the island I feel like they've been abandoned"

"The children of our sworn enemies living among us?" Beast says in a state of shock.

"We'll start out with a few at first, only the ones who need our help the most" Ben states trying to calm his father down a little. "I've already chosen them" Ben says proudly.

"Have you?" Beast says walking closer to his son. Belle grabs his arm, "I have you a second chance" she says, then continues "who are their parents?"

"Cruella De Vil, Jafar, The Evil Queen," Ben hesitates on the last two name's. "The Cheshire Cat, and Maleficent" everyone goes silent at those last two names, that is until King Beast flips his lid.

"MALEFICENT! THE CHESHIRE CAT! those are the two worst villains in the land!" Beast booms. Ben tries to get his father to listen to him, to hear his side of things. "I won't hear it! They are guilty of unspeakable crimes"

"Dad, their children are innocent. Don't you think they deserve a shot at a normal life?" Ben said, his voice desperate.

The king sighs. "I guess the children are innocent" he starts to walk away while Belle stays back a little bit. "Well done" she says looking at her son proudly. Belle turns away and walks to her handsome king. "Shall we?" she asks and then walks away with King Beast.

Meanwhile back on the Island

Kat watches at the four villain kids danced and sung, to be honest she wished she wasn't as shy and as much of a loner as she was. The only close friend she has is surprisingly Mal.

She watched as they ended the number and she watched Mal take candy from a baby. All the villains laughed and she even let out a chuckle. That was until she heard Maleficent's voice.

Kat quickly turned into her cat form which wasn't pink like her father.

She slowly jumped down from the roof she was on which caused the four kids to look at her

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She slowly jumped down from the roof she was on which caused the four kids to look at her. She ran over to Mal who picked her up and set her on her shoulder.

"Whoa Mal, who's the cat" Jay said trying to pet Kat, and of course Kat hissed at Jay which caused him to back away.

"Hmm, hi mom" Mal said turning away from the group now looking at her mother Maleficent.

"Stealing candy Mal? I'm so disappointed" Maleficent said. Mal trying to impress her mother added on "It was from a baby" She said with hope that her mother would finally be proud of her.

"That's my nasty little girl" Maleficent says with an evil smile, which made Mal smile. But the smiles went away when Maleficent spit on the piece of candy and held in under her armpit for a second, then told her gaurd's to give it back.

"Mom-" "It's the deets Mal that makes the difference between mean and truly evil" her mother then continues. "When I was your age I was cursing entire kingdom's" Maleficent laughs.

"Walk with me, you see I'm just trying to teach you what really counts. How to be me" Mal sighs.

"I know that, and I'll do better"

"Oh there's news! I buried the lede, you five have been chosen to go to a different school, in Auradon" Maleficent speaks with excitement. Kat, Jay, Evie, and Carlos try to run away but Maleficent's little minions block the path while Mal just holds Kat.

"What? I'm not going to some boarding school filled to the brim with prissy pink princesses" Mal says with disgust while Kat just lowly growls and hisses.

"And perfect prince's" Evie states with excitement and hope, then takes a look at Mal who looks, well disgust. "Ugh" Evie adds on with a pouty look on her face.

Jay takes this time to speak. "Yeah, I don't do uniforms. Unless it's leather, you feel me" trying to high five Carlos, who just ignores him. Kat then quickly jumps off Mals shoulder and runs behind a wall to change back into her normal clothes.

"Yeah sorry I'm not going to a school where everyone hates me and my friends, besides Mal has a good point. To many princesses" Kat spoke from beside Mal.

"I read somewhere that they allow dogs in Auradon. Mom said they're rabid pack animals who eat boys who don't behave" and towards the end or Carlos' sentence Jay sneaks behind him and scares him

"Woof" Carlos jumps and spins around to hit Jay while Evie laughs.

"Yeah, mom, we're not going"

"Oh, you're thinking small pumpkin. It's all about world domination. KNUCKLEHEADS" Maleficent tells then turns around to face Kat and Mal.

"Mal. Kat" she says in a sing-song voice. Kat and Mal roll their eyes and follow her along with the other three.

They walk into the house that the five villains were living in.

"You two will go. And you two will find Fairy Godmother and you two will bring back her magic wand. Easy peasy"

"What's in it for us?" Mal and Kat spoke at the same time.

"Matching thrones. Hers-and-hers crowns" Maleficent said in a dreamy voice.

"Um, I think they meant us" Carlos said pointing to Evie, Jay and himself.

"It's all about us three baby. Do you two enjoy watching innocent people suffer?"

Mal and Kat lookin at each other before Kat speaks "Well, yeah, who doesn't"

"Well then get me the wand and we can see all that and so much more. And with that wand and my scepter, I will be able to bend both good and evil to my will!"

"Our will" The Evil Queen spoke

"Our will, our will." Maleficent snaps her fingers which get the attention of Mal and Kat quickly "And if you two refuse, you're both grounded for the rest of your lives" Mal and Kat stare at her in shock.

"What mom" Mal tries but it ends in the two having a stare off that unfortunately Maleficent wins.

"Fine. Whatever."

"I win"

Heart of Fur//A Ben Beast Love Story Where stories live. Discover now