It Wasn't Worth It//Chapter 4

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In the kitchen were the four VK's. Mal, Jay, Evie, and Carlos. Kat was in her and Ben's dorm, not even close to knowing that her heart was going to be crushed the next day.

While Kat was in her English class, Mal was in the hallway about to give Ben the cookie.

"Look, it's Mal"

"Hi, Mal! Love my hair, Mal" Mal awkwardly smiled. She was standing at her locker when Jay came up to her

"Are you feeling kind of weird about this? I mean, it's not so ba here, you know and Kat is like a sister to you, why are you going to date someone she likes"

"Are you insane? Long live evil! You're mean! You're awful! You're bad news! Snap out of it!" Mal says then adds on

"As for Kat... She'll forgive me in time" Jay looks at Mal unsure then walks off toward the ladies. As he does so Audrey and Ben walk by

"Do you think they actually paid for those" Audrey starts complaining as Jay is still flirting with a bunch of girls

"She did it to Jane's hair too, and Fairy God other's not happy about it"

"What's the harm?" Ben asked

"It's gateway magic!" Audrey said loosing her cool a little bit "Sure, it starts with the hair. Next thing you know it's the lips and then the legs and then the clothes and then everybody looks good... Where will I be?"

"Listen Audrey-"

"I will wee you at the game after my dress fitting for the coronation, okay?"


"Bye Bennyboo"


Mal takes this as her shot to feed him the cookies

"Hey bennyboo!" Ben was confused because Mal never really talked to him


"I have a batch of double chocolate chip cookies. Do you want one?" Mal looked at Ben hopeful, praying that he'd say yes.

"Oh, I, uh, I've got a big game. I don't eat before a big game. But thank you, maybe next time" Ben said, not knowing that there was a spell involved.

After he answered, Mal then spoke in a fake sad voice, "No, yeah. I completely understand. You've got to be careful of treats offered by villain kids. Kat's going to be disappointed, after all she made these for you." she said, throwing Kat's name in there to get to Ben a little bit.

And it in fact did get to Ben. He immediately started to feel horrible about saying no and denying that it was because they're a villain.

"No I get it" Mal started "You're cautious, that's smart. Oh well, more for Kat and I, I guess" Mal says going to eat a cookie.

Ben's eyes go wide, he didn't want to hurt Kat's feelings by not eating a cookie she made for him. So he takes one and eats it. "No, no. There, see that? Totally trust you and Kat"

Mal smirks knowing that Kay was his weakness. "How are they?" she asks.

Ben, who is now under the spell speaks. "They're good. They're great! They're amazing! They're, uh... I mean, they're chewy and, and you know, they... Is that walnuts? I love walnuts..." and for the next minute or so Ben starts rambling and how good the cookies were.

Jay then comes and joines the conversation. "How you feeling bro?" he asked. "I feel... I feel... I feel like... Like singing your name!. Mal! Mal!" Ben says and actually starts to sing her name. Mal was quick to shush him for two very different reason's. The first one being that she hated all the attention being on her, the second one being that she didn't want Kate to hear. Mal already felt horrible for what she's doing ti Kat, Kat was like her little sister and her best friend.

In English Class

Kat kept looking at the clock, the Tourney game had to have started my now and she really wanted to be there to support Jay, Carlos, and of course Ben.

The bell finally rang and Kat darted out of the class rushing to her locker to put her books away, then heading out to the tourney field. By the time she arrived at the game, it was practically over.

"He passes to prince Ben. He scores! Prince Ben has won it! What an unselfish play by Jay!" the announcer says, the last sentence irritating Kat a little bit but nonetheless the kept cheering for Ben. Kat was standing next to Evie and Mal by that point and she didn't notice that both girls were looking at her. Guilt oozing off of them. It wasn't hard to tell that Kat had a crush on the handsome prince, I mean he had a crush on her too.

"Excuse me. Excuse me. Can I have your attention please? There's something I'd like to say" Ben stated, Kat being curious gave him all of her attention.

"Give me an M!"
"Give me an A!"
"Give me an L!"
After the last letter Kat put together what Ben was spelling, and when she did her heart broke. Mal.

"What's that spell?"
"Come on, I can't hear you!"
"I love you Mal. Did I mention that?" Ben says, Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos all look at Kat who had tears in her eyes. Mal knew right then and there that she made a big mistake, a mistake that she didn't know how she was going to fix.

"I...Um... I'm not feeling well, I think I'm just going to go and lay down" Kat says and quickly runs off back to her and Ben's dorm.

Mal and Evie call her but it's no use, she was already at the lockers.

The dorms

Kat rushed inside the dorm room and started crying, she knew it was always Mal. Mal was the prettier one.

Kat didn't know how long she had been laying there crying, but she knew it had been awhile since she just heard Ben come in.

Ben walked into his and Kat's dorm feeling happy and yet confused. He was happy that they had won the game but confused on how he felt about Mal. In a way the feeling felt kind of forced. He saw Kat sleeping on the bed and he smiled, she was adorable to him.

Ben quietly closed the door and slowly walked over to Kat. He noticed that she wasn't covered up so he picked up a blanket and covered her. He leaned down and kissed her forehead, only then noticing the puffy red eyes and the tear stained cheaks.

The prince frowned and made a mental note to ask her what was wrong tomorrow morning. And he would've done that, if only he had saw her the next morning.

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