Misunderstandings And A Kiss?//Chapter 5

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Ben woke up a little early, he wanted to talk to Kat about what was wrong. But when he looked over at her bed, she was gone.

He sighed to himself wondering if he had something to do with her crying. At first he thought maybe she got up early to take a test or study for something. But then as the day went on he realized she was ignoring him, but it wasn't just him, she was ignoring everybody.
Kat had gotten up early to avoid Ben, she decided to head to the kitchen and get some ice cream. When she got there she heard Ben and Mal talking.

"So, I was wondering. Are you busy later today?" Ben spoke. Kat felt like she wanted to cry all over again.

"I.. Um, no I don't think so. Why?" Mal said with hesitation in her voice. She knew that she had to break the spell quick.

"I want to take you on a date, be ready by 2" Ben said and walked away, not even noticing Kat standing right behind the wall.
"Okay. Easy on the blush, I don't want to look like a clown even though I don't like him" Mal said, nerves wracking through her body. Not for the date, but for Kat.

Kat had ignored the whole group throughout the whole day, in goodness class she sat farther up. At lunch she darted back to her dorm, and after school she went into the kitchen. Mal felt horrible for doing this to her, and was really wondering of revenge was worth her best friend being heartbroken.

"please, my mom taught me how to apply blush before I could talk. Always use upward strokes"

"My mom was never really big on makeup tips. I never really had a sister other than Kat" Mal said.

"Well now you have another one. And speaking of Kat, what are you going to do? She's heartbroken." Mal sighed

"I'm not sure, I know I need to break the spell but, I also just want to make our parents proud."

"I know-" Evie was cut off by a knock on the door. Both Mal and Evie sighed then Evie went to get the door.

"wow" Ben said, "You look great" Mal gave him a weak smile. "hope you like bikes" Ben said then gave her a helmet, and then they were off.
Kat sat in the dorm doing her homework with tears in her eyes again. She hated crying, it made her feel weak, but for some reason thinking about the very handsome prince and his love for her best friend broke her to pieces.
Meanwhile at the forest where Ben took Mal for their date, Ben is trying to get Mal to go on a swim with him.
"Let's go for a swim" Ben says taking off his shirt.

"Hm? What? Uh... Right now?"

"yeah, right now."

"I think I'm just going to stay here."

"No, no, no. Come on" Ben begs, wanting her to swim with him

"I think I'm just going to stay behind and try a strawberry. I've literally never tried a strawberry before" Mal says shoving a strawberry in her mouth. Then moaning in delight of the taste of the strawberry

"Don't eat them all" he jokes. "are those little crowns on your shorts" Mal says laughing

"Maybe." Ben says with a smile, then jumping in the water. As he goes under Mal doesn't realize that the spell is now broken.

♫ A million thoughts in my head ♫
♫ Should I let my heart keep listening? ♫
♫ Cause up 'til now, I've walked the line ♫
♫ Nothing lost but something missing ♫
♫ I can't decide what's wrong, what's right ♫
♫ Which way should I go?

♫ If only I knew what my heart was telling me ♫
♫ Don't know what I'm feeling ♫
♫ Is this just a dream? ♫
♫ Ah oh, yeah ♫
♫ If only I could read the signs in front of me ♫
♫ I could find the way to who I'm meant to be ♫
♫ Ah oh, if only ♫
♫ If only ♫
♫ If only ♫
♫ If only ♫

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