Here We Are//Chapter 2

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"Evie! my little evil-lette in training. You just find yourself a prince with a big castle" The evil queen states

"Kathrine!" Kat turns her head to see her father calling her over. "You just make sure you drive that little Alison crazy, just like her mother" the Cheshire Cat says smirking like crazy.

"I will father, don't worry"

While Kat and her father were talking, the other villains were making excuses as to why their children couldn't go.

"What is wrong with you all?! People used to cower at the mention of our names! For 20 years, I have searched for a way off this island. For 20 years, they have robbed us from our revenge. Revenge on Snow While and her horrible little men"


"Revenge on Aladdin and his bloated genie"

"I will..." "Pop!"

"Revenge on every sneaky dalmation that escaped your clutches."

"Oh, but they didn't get baby. They didn't get the... They didn't get the baby!" Cruella says sounding like a nutcase

"Revenge on Alice and her psychotic little daughter"

The Cheshire Cat didn't say anything but he just smirked.

"And I, Maleficent... The evilest of them all, will finally have my revenge on Sleeping Beauty and her relentless little prince. Villains!"



"Our day has come. E.Q., give her the magic mirror"


"This is your magic mirror?" Evie asked a little disappointed by how it looks.

"Yeah, well, it ain't what it used to be, but then again, neither are we" Maleficent laughed with her then continued "it will help you find things."

"Like a prince?"

"Like my waistline"

"Like the magic wand! Hello!"

"Hello" The Evil Queen replied smartly

"My spell book. My book. I need my... That book. The safe! The safe, Queen help me! I never can figure this thing out" the Evil Queen went over to the door and opened it for Maleficent


Maleficent and the Evil Queen were thinking about their good old days when the driver arrived to pick us up. Finally everyone was in the car but me, "Katherine" Kat turned and looked at her father "Don't disappoint me" he gave her a stern look and then walked back to the house.

To Auradon

Once we were in the car the driver started driving. "You two are looking a little washed out. Let me help you out" Mal quickly pushed Evie away while Kat sneezed and turned into her cat form.

"Awe, that was the cutest thing ever!" Evie gushed while Kat grumbled and crawled into Mal's lap and fell asleep to Mal and Evie petting her.

When she woke up she heard Carlos and Jay fighting "Ow! Stop! You got everything else! Why do you want whatever this is?"

"'Cause you want it!"

"No give it to me! Ow! Let go!"

"Guys! We have an audience"

Jay and Carlos try to make up an excuse as to why they're trying to take what isn't their's.

"it's so good to finally meet you all. I'm Ben"

Heart of Fur//A Ben Beast Love Story Where stories live. Discover now