Bennyboo Needs A New Girlfriend?//Chapter 3

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When Kat woke up the next morning she was confused as to where she was, she was still a cat. She felt herself rise then sink, rise then sink.

Kat turned her head and saw that she fell asleep on Ben's stomach, she quickly got up not caring if she woke Ben up or not and got dressed.

After she came out of Ben's bathroom she saw that he was up... And shirtless. She cleared her throat to get his attention, to let him know that she was now in the room. He turned to look at her

"Umm I'm just going to go find Mal and the group... I'll see you later" Kat spoke quietly and quickly, embarrassed that she fell asleep on him.

Ben went to say something but she was already out the door. He sighed and started to get himself ready for the day.

Kat found the others in Remedial Goodness 101, she sat in front of Mal while Evie sat next to Mal.

"If someone hands you a crying baby, do you, A, curse it? B, lock it in a tower? C, give it a bottle? Or D, carve out its heart?" Fairy Godmother looked around for a second before calling on Evie


"What was the second one?" she asked thinking she might have the answer

"Oh, okay, anyone else" Fairy Godmother glances around the room before choosing "Kat?"

"C, give it a bottle" Kat replies quickly. Fairy Godmother smiles at Kat

"Correct, again"

Carlos leans forward "You are on fire girl" Mal being very irritated she decides to speak

"Just pick the one that doesn't sound like any fun" the rest of the group hums in agreement, after a second a girl with very short hair comes into the room.

As she walks by us, she squeaks,

"oh hello dear one" Fairy Godmother spoke

"Hi, you need to sign off on early dismissal for the coronation" the girl with the short hair says quickly

"Everyone here remembers my daughter Jane, right" Jane looks shocked and scared

"mom, no!"

"it's okay. Jane, this is everyone"

"HI. That's okay, don't mind me. As you were" she says and then runs off. "alright, let's continue" Fairy Godmother says then goes to ask the next question, but she noticed someone else waiting to speak

"Hello Ben, what do you need" Kat, Mal, and Evie turned their heads to see the prince

"Hi Fairy Godmother, I need to talk to Kat for a second, is that okay?"

"Of course. Kat Ben needs to talk to you" Fairy Godmother says with a smile. Kat slowly got up and walked toward Ben, he offered her a small smile, which she returned with an ever smaller smile

"So what did you need to talk to me about" Kat says once they're away from the classroom

"Well I thought your room would be done by today or tomorrow but, it turns out it won't be done until after my coronation" Kat looks at him, letting him know to continue "So uh, you'll have to say with me a little longer" Ben finished

"Okay well if that's all..." Kat says getting ready to leave and find her friends since the bell just rung

"Um, no wait. I was wondering if you'd like to watch me practice" Ben asked nervously

"Practice for..." Kat asked not understanding what the practice was for

"Oh a Turney practice"

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