twenty eight

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The dark-haired woman hissed angrily, her face frowning as she stormed towards the nauseous Jungkook across the basement.

"They didn't come back, there were no traces left of them," Jungkook repeated, his eyes flickered momentarily towards the knife Krystal was holding on her right hand.

The woman had been spending her time polishing her knives. Just in case she would need them for an emergency, then they had to be in a good-perfect condition; sharp and ready. Both ready to defend their owner and ready to kill their opponents.

Krystal stopped right in front of Jungkook-who tried his best to look calm and collected. He was a little bit worried about what Krystal would do to him, given the fact that the woman was holding a newly polished knife in her hand.

Sure, he was able to fight, he knew how to lock down opponents and kill them at less than five strokes. But this was Krystal he's talking about, the very same woman who never failed to send chills down his spine every time they're present in the same room. Not to mention allowed to watch Krystal practice her moves, which he must admit, were deadly as fuck. He just hoped she was enough to dethrone the Alpha they both aimed for.

But now, he had to remind himself that her main focus wasn't the Alpha, but him instead.

"When I arrived, the apartment was empty and the three of them were nowhere to be seen. I think Lisa had taken Jennie somewhere-"

"Who's Jennie?" Krystal cut in, spitting the last word as if it was bitter towards her tastebuds.

"Jennie Kim, Lisa's partner," Jungkook answered.

At the answer, Krystal silenced down immediately. "Do you recognize her face?"

"Yes, she has these cat-like eyes, brown hair, milky skin. She's about 5'2", I think."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I've been watching her for a while now, I've memorized her face and appearance pretty well,"

Krystal's lips then pulled up into a small smile. Small at first, but as the moment passed by, her smile got wider and wider until she started to laugh, giggling at herself.

"Now, now, Kookie," Krystal said when her laughter died down, placing her hand on Jungkook's broad shoulder. "Don't worry about those three dumbshits, we'll do it on our own from now on."

Jungkook licked his lips nervously as his hands hung awkwardly on his sides.

"Do what, now?"

Krystal smiled, forcefully pulled Jungkook closer until their chests pressed against each other. She ran her tongue along his neck up to his earlobe and suck it softly before giving it a bite. Jungkook shuddered, his hand automatically went towards Krystal's waist to find stability as a hitched inhalation escaped his mouth.

"Remember her worst weakness?"

Krystal lifted her right hand which was holding her knife.


"What is it, Kookie?"

She traced the mouth of the knife along Jungkook's chest down to his toned stomach.

"Her loved ones," Jungkook shivered as he felt the knife sneaking down his shirt, the cold metal meeting his hot skin.

"Exactly," Krystal grinned as she ran her hand up to his shoulder onto his neck then through Jungkook's hair.

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