twenty nine

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It was probably the sunniest Busan had ever been in such a long time, or maybe it was just Jennie's bright mood that made her exaggerating everything in sight. Either way, she was as bright as the sun that morning, with the cause none other than the blonde driving beside her.

All she could remember from yesterday was the both of them almost getting into a fight because of her overthinking mind fueled by Lisa's truths. Lucky her, Lisa was so cool while talking her down. Lisa just knew what to say, what to point out and what to do.

Jennie didn't think the blonde need to know, but honestly all Lisa need to do to calm her down was to stare at her with those blazing, sharp yet warm golden eyes of hers. Those orbs mirrored every of Lisa's feelings towards her, the blonde's feelings could be seen naked and pure inside those pool of gold.

And what Lisa did was just very, very right.

Lisa had made love to her like there was no tomorrow. She kissed every inch of her body, worshipping her non-stopped even until she reached a couple of orgasms. Lisa didn't stop whispering sweet words for her to hear, such as how much she loved her, how precious she was to her, how she would never break her promise of not leaving her, and the list goes on and on.

And to top it all, this morning, she had woken up being held closely by none other than Lisa.

She had her face buried in the crook of Lisa's neck, giving her the free access to savor the scent that was everything Lisa was. With Lisa's arms wrapped all over her upper body and keeping her in place, Jennie didn't think there would ever be any scene that she'd prefer to wake up to than this.

And now, Lisa was driving her to the university. Lisa said that starting from now on, she would never let Jennie go anywhere alone without her supervision. That had Jennie wondering what the reason was, and when she asked the blonde, she only replied that she wanted to keep Jennie safe.

And Jennie had made her own conclusion; she was the safest in Lisa's arms.

"We're here," Lisa declared, pulling the expensive vehicle to a stop in front of the university's front park.

"Thank you, Lili," Jennie smiled and leaned towards the blonde.

Lisa met her halfway in a kiss, a very passionate kiss to be done in the morning which made her brain churned and her heart doubled its pace. Lisa's hand went to cup her face, then went to the back of her neck to pull her closer. Jennie, whimpering and biting back a moan, sent her hands to grip Lisa's shoulders to keep her grounded. Otherwise, perhaps she would've melted into a liquid just by Lisa's kiss.

"Stop," Jennie pushed Lisa's chest softly and broke their kiss. "Five more seconds of you kissing me like that, we'll probably end up having sex right here."

"Jen, it's never just sex with you, it's always lovemaking," Lisa said. "And I wouldn't mind doing it right here, right now, too."

Jennie found her cheeks burning up in an instant, her brain replaying how magically Lisa's touch felt on her skin earlier that night.

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