i a m n o t e n o u g h

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Doctor Egger was adamant Sebastian would be fine.

Alyona on the other hand found that a week after the incident there had been no change in his condition.

Seb was breathing, his heart was beating, his wounds were healing, but his eyes just didn't open.

It was like he was refusing.

Alyona busied herself with taking care of him. She talked to him a lot, she kept him clean and shaved, trying to make it feel better.

That hole in her chest.

She wished she was the one in his place. No one would mourn her, apart from her dad and even he would have healed just fine. But Seb. Seb was going to be missed dearly.

Alyona leant down and kissed his forehead and down to his cheek. She pulled back and sighed. She wished it was she in his place.

"I love you, Seb. And I'm sorry, my love. I'm so sorry."

Seb was incadescent, he was good and he deserved to live.

And she would make sure of that. She would make sure he'd get a chance.

She made to move and went to the door, but the silent and steady beating of his heart had suddenly become slower and the machine was beeping with the worst sound she had ever heard.

It took the two nurses on the corridor half a second to rush into the room.

His name was the only word in her mind.

Seb... Seb... Seb...

It played over and over again as her blood just froze in her veins, she could feel her heart stopping for a moment as she looked on the slowing frequency his heartbeat.

"Miss, I'm going to ask you to leave." One of them said.

"I'm not going anywhere."

"You can't be here." Said the other as she went to give Seb an adrenaline injection.

Alyona's world was closing down to that simple line on the monitor.

A few more nurses and Doctor Egger rushed into the room, trying to get her out. Alyona would do anything to keep him alive, she would do anything for him.

She prayed to any god she knew to keep him alive.

Alyona swore.

She swore that if Seb wanted to leave her after he woke up, she'd do it. She'd leave the next moment. She only prayed he woke up.

Alyona thrashed away from their grips and growled. "I have to be with him."

Doctor Egger turned his said to the nurses. "Get her out."

"Egger, you-"

Alyona's world turned dark as she felt herself falling back.

♚ ♚ ♚

Her eyes opened up at once. She groaned and sat up on the bed. She glared at the clip on her finger and tore it away from her hand.


She had to find Seb. How was he? Gods, if he had died. If anything had happened to him...

She stood from the bed, but everything began to turn as she fell back.

She cursed under her breath and shook her head, blinking fast, trying to clear her mind.

The door opener and she looked up to find one of the nurses from before.

Alyona cleared her throat. "How's Sebastian?"

The nurse snorted. "Don't wanna know about you, Miss?"

"How's Sebastian?"


That did a number on her weak heart. She smiled inwards and looked up to the nurse.

"I want to see him."

"He hasn't woken yet, but Doctor Egger said he was upset. But it did show some variant brain activity. He's recovering and he'll wake up soon. I'm sure."

"I want to see him."

"You are free to go, Miss." She went up to Alyona and gave her am envelope. "We did a blood check up, just to be sure."

Alyona got the envelope and nodded. "Thank you. I have to see Seb now."

"Take a look at your results when you can, Miss."

"Why? Am I dying?" She tried to joke, but it came out as a bark.

"No, you're more than healthy, Miss."


♚ ♚ ♚

Alyona was sitting by Seb's side again, four days after his almost death, one hand holding his and another holding open a book.

Seb was good. He was stable for the first time in a week and the Doctor was adamant he'd awake soon. He hadn't died, that moment was a verification he was waking.

At least that was what Egger said. Alyona tried to trust the doctor, but when Seb was concerned she just found anyone to be unworthy.

 Alyona tried to trust the doctor, but when Seb was concerned she just found anyone to be unworthy

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She leaned down and kissed his hand, bringing it up to her cheek. The good thing was that his wounds were healing.

His pain was minimal and he could breathe without wincing. He didn't need the morphine anymore and Alyona had sent Kimi home.

Even though he had still to solve the Rubik's cube and said strongly that Seb would help him once he'd wake up.

She knew Kimi was just saying that to make her feel better. But she knew that he had to be with his family. She reassured him in the end that he wasn't needed there. Seb was getting better.

She hadn't realised, but she was crying softly, his hand getting a bit wet from her tears.

The machine started beeping a little faster, just a little and she didn't pay it much mind. She kissed his hand again and she thought she had probably imagined it, but there was a twitch in his fingers.

She dismissed it again. It was probably her imagination.

Alyona kissed his hand again, suppressing her sobs against it. She was lost. She was so lost.


The woman who had never cried about anything but herself, she had cried the past weeks a total of four times.

On her stronger sob, she felt her hand being held tightly.


Her sobs stopped, her breath paused as she looked up to meet the bluest eyes.


Here goes another one. Alright, I had initially planned around five chapters without Seb. But I couldn't do that. I'm too excited writing this fanfic and I can't wait.

So...if you enjoyed feel free to send feedback and vote. I appreciate all of you!!

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