I sat at breakfast with Derek, Naomi and Ian. Chelsea at an extra therapy session. I sat three tables away from Tori. Not daring to look at her.
"How's life treating you Frank?" Naomi asked.
"Good." I nodded softly.
"Anything new. Love wise?" She asked with a sweet smile.
I shook my head. "You and Ian?" I asked with a devious smile.
Ian looked up from his oatmeal. "Don't girls gossip when they're alone." He said.
"I think Frankie wants you to confess your love to Noami." Derek said with his iconic noticeable stutter.
"Girls sure are fun." Ian muttered eating more.
"What about the female gender?" Callie said sitting down.
"How they don't consider you one." I said.
Callie gave me a evil squint sitting beside me.
"How did you know you were lesbian?" Callie asked abruptly.
"I woke up one day and realized. Men are shit." I said with a quirky smile.
I looked up to see Tori was gone. She walked from behind Ian grabbing at Derek's fruit cup.
"Thanks babe. Where's the rat?" Tori said sitting on the table beside Naomi.
"Chelsea is only allowed out once and awhile." Naomi said with a amused smile.
Tori suppressed her laughter grinning," You like fruit cups Syco boy?" Tori asked.
"What Tori?" Ian asked.
"I have a proposal. And no it doesn't evolve sex. I think you guys are smart. Don't you?" She asked only giving a second for our answer. "You just need a small push. Now how about I lend you a hand. Tomorrow night there is a food truck coming."
"No." Chelsea said sitting down beside Derek.
"Shut it rat!" Tori snapped.
"Continue." Ian said intently listening.
"I have keys for the basement area. I can get us in. I just need arms."
"I'm in." I said looking around at them.
"Got drugs?" Ian asked.
"It's got everything your little heart desires." Tori purred looking Ian dead in the eyes.
"And we get half then it's a deal." Ian said reaching his hand out.
Tori grabbed it kissing his palm. "And I also love celebratory sex." Tori said winking twirling on her little heel sauntering off.
"Why do you hate her again?" Ian asked.
"She is a bitch." Chelsea muttered.
"Hey, I wanna smoke." Naomi said getting up acting awfully spontaneous lately.
"Can't turn down that. See you around." Ian said walking off with Naomi.
"Think those two fuck?" Callie asked.
"Hope so. Hey, I'll be around." I said getting up hoping to find Tori.
I walked out of the dinning room to the library. She sat sitting across some boy no longer interested in her book.
I watched unable to look for long.
What was I thinking Tori is right. She is a sex addict.
I walked in sitting down beside her.
"Times up Fabio." She said turning to look at me forcing the boy to leave. "Restraining orders work in here too. You know that right?"
Teen Fiction"What is a normal person?" I asked thinking back to my therapy session. "An unreal idea." Ian said bluntly. "Not us." Chelsea laughed. "Something rational." Luke shrugged. "So that makes us...irrational realistic ideas." I said with a weak smile. Ia...